Orange County NC Website
a~a.~B <br />Staff <br />Psychiatrist/Ezecutive <br />Director <br />Luke Smith, MD <br />Program Manager <br />Karen Current, LCSw <br />Mental Health and <br />Snbstance Abase Program <br />Director <br />El Futu~o Inc. `~ <br />"North Carolina's Non-profit Resource for Latino Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatrncnt" <br />110 W. Main St., Suite 2H- Catrboro, North Carolina 27510 <br />Telephone (919) 338»1939 // Pax (919) 338-2729 // Web <br />October 14, 2008 <br />Honorable County Commissioners <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />P.O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Dear Commissioners Jacobs, Foushee, Carey, Gordon and Nelson: <br />Sandy Ruiz, LCSW, LSAC <br /> I am writing to request that you fund El Futuro with a $60,000 allocation for Fiscal <br />Therapists Year 2008. <br />Birgitte B Espitia, PhD <br />Josh Hinson, Lcsw, As you know, the Human Services Advisory Board recommended our funding at that <br />cs,~c I amount last spring. Coincidentally, our current projected budget deficit is exactly <br />Alejandro Martinez- $60,000. We were unprepared in one way not to receive these funds; on the other hand, <br />Lacabe, Msw as we stated in our application and testimony, we have known all along that diverse <br />Karta siu, Lcsw sources of local funding support would be vital for our financial feasibility. The <br /> majority of our clients come from Orange County. <br />Snsiness Manager Specifically, we have started to have to take cost saving measures that will threaten our <br />Ximena Martinez existence if we do not receive support quickly. <br />Clinical Assistant <br />Coni Garcia We have had to lay off an administrative assistant who acted as a "therapist extender" <br /> by sending FAXes and doing data entry and outreach work for us. As a result, <br />soars of Directors professional staffpaid at a higher level whose work would otherwise generate income <br /> through clinical work oz grant writing is diverted to carrying out these functions. <br />Martha Olaya-Crowley, <br />MEChair~ At this time we are reducing the amount of clinical services we are able to offer in <br /> Orange County. We are continuing our services in another county where we have <br />Marcia Erpinola received support and, consequently, were able to leverage those funds to secure two <br />Jack Haggerty, MD contracts from the state. Those state contracts were only possible because of the <br /> funding we had received from the county. Contractors and grant foundations are more <br />Gillam Hall. MHA. MBA ~l~g to contract with us if we show that we have local support. For now, we are <br />Secretary <br />pulling staff from Carrboro sites to send them to another county as our Carrboro therapy <br />Don Hartman hours are not all funded. Funding from Orange County will allow us to keep our <br />Maria Lapetina services strong here and leverage your support to secure state contracts and foundation <br /> support for our county. <br />Zaida Montez <br />Treasurer Ironically, our Carrboro sites tend to be more productive irl terms of number of <br />Juan Ortiz appointments attended, so we hesitate to make this decision for a number of reasons. <br />Marta Ines Robayo <br />Leslie Winner, JD <br />