Orange County NC Website
S <br />A county board shall send a confirmation mailing in accordance with <br />this subdivision to every registrant after every congressional election if <br />the county board has not confirmed the registrant's address by another <br />means. <br />(3) Any registrant who is removed from the list of registered voters <br />pursuant to this subsection shall be reinstated if the voter appears to vote <br />and gives oral or written affirmation that the voter has not moved out of <br />the county but has maintained residence continuously within the county. <br />That person shall be allowed to vote as provided in G.S. 163-82.15(f). <br />(1953, c. 843; 1955, c. 800; 1963, c. 303, s. 1; 1965, c. 1116, s. l; 1967, <br />c. 775, s. 1; 1973, c. 793, ss. 25, 28; c. 1223, s. 4; 1975, c. 395; 1977, c. <br />265, s. 3; 1981, c. 39, s. 1; c. 87, s. 1; c. 308, s. 1; 1983, c. 411, ss. 1, 2; <br />1985, c. 211, ss. 1, 2; 1987, c. 691, s. 1; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 762, <br />s. 2; 1997-443, s. 11A.117; 1999-453, s. 7(a), (b); 2001-319, ss. 8(a), <br />11; 2005-428, s. 14; 2007-391, ss. 18, 32.) <br />§ 163-166.12. Requirements for certain voters who register by mail. <br />(a) Voting in Person. - An individual who has registered to vote by mail on or <br />after January 1, 2003, and has not previously voted in an election that includes a ballot <br />item for federal office in North Carolina, shall present to a local election official at a <br />voting place before voting there one of the following: <br />(1) A current and valid photo identification. <br />(2) A copy of one of the following documents that shows the name and <br />address of the voter: a current utility bill, bank statement, government <br />check, paycheck, or other government document. <br />(b) Voting Mail-In Absentee. - An individual who has registered to vote by mail <br />on or after January 1, 2003, and has not previously voted in an election that includes a <br />ballot item for federal office in North Carolina, in order to cast amail-in absentee vote, <br />shall submit with the mailed-in absentee ballot one of the following: <br />(1) A copy of a current and valid photo identification. <br />(2) A copy of one of the following documents that shows the name and <br />address of the voter: a current utility bill, bank statement, government <br />check, paycheck, or other government document. <br />(bl) The county board of elections shall note the type of identification proof <br />submitted by the voter under the provisions of subsection (a) or (b) of this section and <br />may dispose of the tendered copy of identification proof as soon as the type of proof is <br />noted in the voter registration records. <br />(b2) Voting When Identification Numbers Do Not Match. -Regardless of whether <br />an individual has registered by mail or by another method, if the individual has provided <br />with the registration form a drivers license number or last four digits of a Social Security <br />number but the computer validation of the number as required by G.S. 163-82.12 did not <br />result in a match, and the number has not been otherwise validated by the board of <br />elections, in the first election in which the individual votes that individual shall submit <br />with the ballot the form of identification described in subsection (a) or subsection (b) of <br />LOCATION: 506 NORTH HARRINGTON STREET • RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, 27603 <br />7 <br />