Agenda - 10-21-2008 - 3a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-21-2008
Agenda - 10-21-2008 - 3a
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/17/2008 3:47:39 PM
Creation date
10/17/2008 3:18:36 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20081021
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2008
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<br />(3) County Board's Duty Upon Receiving Report of Conviction. -When a <br />county board of elections receives a notice pursuant to subdivision (1) <br />or (2) of this subsection relating to a resident of that county and that <br />person is registered to vote in that county, the board shall, after giving <br />30 days' written notice to the voter at his registration address, and if the <br />voter makes no objection, remove the person's name from its <br />registration records. If the voter notifies the county board of elections of <br />his objection to the removal within 30 days of the notice, the chairman <br />of the board of elections shall enter a challenge under G.S. 163-85(c)(5), <br />and the notice the county board received pursuant to this subsection <br />shall be prima facie evidence for the preliminary hearing that the <br />registrant was convicted of a felony. <br />(d) Change of Address. - A county board of elections shall conduct a systematic <br />program to remove from its list of registered voters those who have moved out of the <br />county, and to update the registration records. of persons who have moved within the <br />county. The county board shall remove a person from its list if the registrant: <br />(1) Gives confirmation in writing of a change of address for voting <br />purposes out of the county. "Confirmation in writing" for purposes of <br />this subdivision shall include: <br />a. A report to the county board from the Department of <br />Transportation or from a voter registration agency listed in G.S. <br />163-82.20 that the voter has reported a change of address for <br />voting purposes outside the county; <br />b. A notice of cancellation received under G.S. 163-82.9; or <br />c. A notice of cancellation received from an election jurisdiction <br />outside the State. <br />(2) Fails to respond to a confirmation mailing sent by the county board in <br />accordance with this subdivision and does not vote or appear to vote in <br />an election beginning on the date of the notice and ending on the day <br />after the date of the second general election for the United States House <br />of Representatives that occurs after the date of the notice. A county <br />board sends a confirmation notice in accordance with this subdivision if <br />the notice: <br />a. Is a postage prepaid and preaddressed return card, sent by <br />forwardable mail, on which the registrant may state current <br />address; <br />b. Contains or is accompanied by a notice to the effect that if the <br />registrant did not change residence but remained in the county, <br />the registrant should return the card not later than the deadline for <br />registration by mail in G.S. 163-82.6(c)(1); and <br />c. Contains or is accompanied by information as to how the <br />registrant may continue to be eligible to vote if the registrant has <br />moved outside the county. <br />LOCATION: 506 NORTH HARRINGTON STREET • RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, 27603 <br />6 <br />
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