Agenda - 10-21-2008 - 3a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-21-2008
Agenda - 10-21-2008 - 3a
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Last modified
10/17/2008 3:47:39 PM
Creation date
10/17/2008 3:18:36 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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States' Actions to Block Voters Appear Illegal - <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />64` <br />It takes io minutes to process a normal registration and up to a week to deal with a flagged one, said Ms. <br />McFall, a Republican, adding that she was receiving ioo or so flagged registrations a week. <br />Usually, when state election officials check a registration and find that it does not match a database entry, <br />they alert local election officials to contact the voter and request further proof of identification. If that is not <br />possible, most states flag the voter file and require identification from the voter at the polling place. <br />In Florida, Iowa, Louisiana and South Dakota, the problem is more serious because voters are not added to <br />the rolls until the states remove the flags. <br />Ms. McFall said she was angry to learn from the state recently that it was her responsibility to contact each <br />flagged voter to clear up the discrepancies before Election Day. "This situation with voter registrations is <br />going to land us in court," she said. <br />In fact, it already has. <br />In Michigan and Florida, rights groups are suing state officials, accusing them of being too aggressive in <br />purging voter rolls and of preventing people from registering. <br />In Georgia, the Justice Department is considering legal action against the state because officials in Cobb and <br />Cherokee Counties sent letters to hundreds of voters stating that their voter registrations had been flagged <br />and telling them they cannot vote until they clear up the discrepancy. <br />On Monday, the Ohio Republican Party filed a motion in federal court against the secretary of state to get the <br />list of all names that have been flagged by the Social Security database since Jan. i. The motion seeks to <br />require that any voter who does not clear up a discrepancy be required to vote using a provisional ballot. <br />Republicans said in the motion that it is central to American democracy that nonqualified voters be <br />forbidden from voting. <br />The Ohio secretary of state, Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, said in court papers that she believes the <br />Republicans are seeking grounds to challenge voters and get them removed from the rolls. <br />Considering that in the past year the state received nearly 290,000 nonmatches, such a plan could have <br />significant impact at the polls. <br />Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company <br />Privacy Policy ~ Search ~ Corcections ~ ' RSS~ I First Look ~ Help ~ Contact Us ~ Work for Us ~ Site Mao <br /> 10/09/us/politics/09voting.html?_t=1 &sq=purge&st=cse&... 10/16/2008 <br />
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