Agenda - 10-21-2008 - 3a
Board of County Commissioners
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Agenda - 10-21-2008
Agenda - 10-21-2008 - 3a
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Last modified
10/17/2008 3:47:39 PM
Creation date
10/17/2008 3:18:36 PM
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Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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States' Actions to Block Voters Appear Illegal - Page 3 of 4 <br />Other states described similar problems in entering data. 13 <br />Under the Help America Vote Act, all states were required to build statewide electronic voter registration lists <br />to standardize and centralize voter records that had been kept on the local level. To prevent ineligible voters <br />from casting a ballot, states were also required to clear the electronic lists of duplicates, people who had died <br />or moved out of state, or who had become ineligible for other reasons. <br />Voting rights groups and federal election officials have raised concerns that the methods used to add or <br />remove names vary by state and are conducted with little oversight or transparency. Many states are purging <br />their lists for the first time and appear to be unfamiliar with the 2002 federal law. <br />"Just as voting machines were the major issue that came out of the 200o presidential election and <br />provisional ballots were the big issue from 2004, voter registration and these statewide lists will be the top <br />concern this year," said Daniel P. Tokaii, a law professor at Ohio State University. <br />Voting rights groups have urged voters to check their registrations with local officials. <br />In Michigan, some 33,000 voters were removed from the rolls in August, a figure that is far higher than the <br />number of deaths in the state during the same period -about ~,ioo - or the number of people who moved <br />out of the state -about 4,400, according to data from the Postal Service. <br />In Colorado, some 37,000 people were removed from the rolls in the three weeks after July 21. During that <br />time, about 5,ioo people moved out of the state and about 2,400 died, according to postal data and death <br />records. <br />In Louisiana, at least i8,ooo people were dropped from the rolls in the five weeks after July 23.Overthe <br />same period, at least i,6oo people moved out of state and at least 3,800 died. <br />The secretaries of state in Michigan and Colorado did not respond to requests for comment. A spokesman for <br />the Louisiana secretary of state said that about half of the numbers of the voters removed from the rolls were <br />people who moved within the state or who died. The remaining ii,ooo or so people seem to have been <br />removed by local officials for other reasons that were not clear, the spokesman said. <br />The purge estimates were calculated using data from state election officials, who produce a snapshot every <br />month or so of the voter rolls with details about each registered voter on record, making it possible to <br />determine how many have been removed. <br />The Times's methodology for calculating the purge estimates was reviewed by two voting experts, Kimball <br />Brace, the director of Election Data Services, a Washington consulting firm that tracks voting trends, and R. <br />Michael Alvarez, a political science professor at the California Institute of Technolo~v. <br />By using the Social Security database so extensively, states are flagging extra registrations and creating extra <br />work for local officials who are already struggling to process all the registration applications by Election Day. <br />"I simply don't have the staff to keep up," said Ann McFall, the supervisor of elections in Volusia County, Fla. <br /> &sq=purge&st=cse&... 10/16/2008 <br />
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