Orange County NC Website
I b~ <br />1. HAVA moves. When a voter is registered at the CBE, that voter is checked at the state for a <br />duplicate. If a duplicate is found, the state removes the existing voter and allows the county to <br />complete the registration for the new voter. <br />2. Monthly duplicate check. The SBE runs a county report monthly comparing the county voter <br />records with the state voter records attempting to find duplicate matches. A report is generated <br />and made available to the counties via email and the web for processing. The memo can be <br />found: <br />2008-0006 -DUPLICATE REGISTRATIONS REPORT.doc <br />Merge Voters. The CBE is able, through the voter registration software, to merge voters if they <br />find a duplicate. This can be during the voter registration process or at any point afterwards. <br />SEIMS Scheduled Tasks: <br />Weekly Tasks: <br />1. Print voter cards, verifications, and address confirmations. <br />2. Run Verification update reports. <br />Monthly Tasks: <br />1. Print cancellation notices <br />2. Print felon letters <br />3. Run the wait period expiration task. <br />Annual Tasks: <br />1. Remove all temporary registrants. <br />List Maintenance: <br />Maintaining a list of eligible voters requires identifying voters that should be <br />inactive, and removing those that have been inactive through two federal <br />general elections. <br />The List Maintenance process starts at the beginning of each year <br />following a federal election after all voter histories for that election have <br />been updated. The steps include: <br />1. Create a no-contact list <br />2. Change inactive voter status to removed status <br />3. Remove duplicate voters <br />NVRA: <br />SBE runs a NVRA report that collects data from the counties monthly. <br />LOCATION: 506 NORTH HARRIlVGTON STREET • RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, 27603 <br />10 <br />