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FY 1999 -2000 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />APPROVED GOAL <br />Revised: 06/07/99 <br />Adopted: 06/21/99 <br />EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS <br />GOAL STATEMENT: To develop strategies to continue to promote more efficient County government operations which will ultimately <br />result in financial savings. <br />Goal Initiated/Proposed By: Board of County Commissioners <br />Most Recent Version Adopted by BOCC: May 1998 <br />�TATiTS R�R�' . <br />During the January 16, 1999 annual planning retreat, the Board of Commissioners indicated its interest in <br />having a reconstituted or new <br />appointed citizen Innovation & Efficiency (I &E) Committee explore options for additional efficiency measures that could be pursued in Orange <br />County government. The original Innovation & Efficiency Committee submitted a report with thirteen recommendations to the Board of <br />Commissioners in April 1996. In 1996 -97, County staff implemented five of those recommendations: <br />• The draft Strategic Automation Plan was presented to the Board of Commissioners in May 1997, and was integrated with the County's <br />1997 -2007 Capital Improvements Plan, and 1997 -98 operating budget. <br />• An MPA intern worked with Budget staff in identifying subjects for program and trend analysis. Staff incorporated samples of this <br />preliminary work into the 1997 -98 budget document. <br />• Staff conducted reviews of the County's two pilot employee /team incentive programs, and implemented program modifications to be <br />continued through FY 1997 -98. Staff developed recommendations regarding an additional pilot employee incentive program, and an <br />organizational incentive program to encourage savings on a departmental basis. The Board received a report on current and proposed <br />incentive programs during their work session on November 3, 1997 on employee compensation issues. Pending further direction from the <br />Board, updated incentive program proposals will be included in the recommended 1998 -99 operating budget. <br />• Staff used the operations evaluation model suggested by the Innovation & Efficiency Committee as a basis for its review in Summer 1996 <br />of the best organizational structure for tax administration in Orange County. As a result of this review, the Tax Assessor and Revenue <br />Director and their staffs identified a number of ways to consolidate functions and streamline operations. A Position Evaluation Team <br />comprised of Budget and Personnel staff has been active in reviewing requests for new positions and assisting departments in exploring and <br />implementing alternatives to some of these reauested positions. ' <br />