Orange County NC Website
13 <br />i) What are the expected outcomes and how are these measured? Are <br />the outcomes stated qualitatively and quantitatively? <br />j) Is the environment or situation changing, or about to change? That is, <br />are new buildings coming on line? Is new equipment to be installed? <br />Are there federal or state laws that are changing? <br />1) Analysis and Recommendation of the Review - Once the information is <br />gathered, the Study Team will analyze all data and develop <br />recommendations, in consultation with the appropriate department head, for <br />the County Manager's consideration. <br />2) Records- Records should be kept on internal evaluations of services, and <br />evaluation criteria should be identified so that the process is auditable. <br />e. The Committee recognizes that there are a variety of strategies and resources that may <br />be used to conduct the model evaluation process. Among others are (1) the use of an <br />internal evaluation team as described in the model process, (2) using external private <br />management consultants to conduct evaluations, (3) using local active or retired <br />community business leaders willing to volunteer consulting expertise, or (4) using local <br />University support such as faculty and students. <br />f. The priorities for review should be: <br />1. County Departments <br />a) Social Services, including Veterans Affairs <br />b) Health Department <br />c) Other County Departments as needed <br />2. Intergovernmental <br />a) Recreation and Parks <br />b) Public Works (Solid Waste /Landfill) <br />c) Library <br />d) Co- operative Extension Service <br />Recommendation 5: Develop a process of program and trend analysis as a policy making <br />tool for public officials, and to enhance managerial decision making. <br />The process should be open for continuous refinement, and should be part of the finance and <br />budget process. The goals of the program and trend analysis are to enhance efficiency and <br />public accountability through: <br />• Creating an objective and credible set of data that is open to refinement. <br />• Indicating spending patterns by department and service. <br />• Indicating expenditures within the framework of constant dollars, population <br />growth, per pupil spending, etc. <br />Z <br />