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8 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: LOG Community Benefits Committee <br />COPIES: LOG members and staff <br />FROM: Paul Thames, PE, County Engineer <br />DATE: January 6, 1999 <br />SUBJECT: Rogers Road Community Benefit Survey and Analysis <br />At its May 1998 meeting, the LOG received a report from the County Engineer on the preliminary cost <br />estimates for providing community water service benefits to the Rogers Road community. The LOG <br />was advised that the information used to develop those cost estimates were derived from: a) County <br />property tax records (which did not provide adequate information on mobile homes); b) aerial <br />photographs from 1987; and c) a preliminary water and sewer layout and cost report developed by <br />Hazen and Sawyer for OWASA (based on unclear or incomplete instructions as to the scope and nature <br />of the project). The LOG authorized Orange County to hire an intern to survey the Rogers Road <br />community to obtain or verify all available information relative to the physical extent, boundaries and <br />description of the neighborhood, the need in the neighborhood for community water service and the <br />neighborhood social and economic demographics. The primary purpose of the survey was to provide <br />information that would allow policy makers and staff to determine the extent a water system necessary <br />to provide service to the neighborhood, the cost of that service and what portion of the cost for service <br />would be provided from local government expenditures. The intern, Neil Templeton was hired by <br />Orange County in September 1998. Using Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) equipment to obtain <br />relatively precise building locations, survey forms and visual observations, he worked in and through the <br />neighborhood and with neighborhood leaders and activists from late September through early December <br />1998. The survey forms used by Templeton were developed by the County Engineer using existing <br />CDBG eligibility forms modified (with input from County Housing and Community Development and <br />Environmental Health personnel) to accommodate data specific to the. Rogers Road neighborhood and <br />the decision process for local government policy makers ultimately for authorizing and funding <br />community benefits specific to provision of municipal water service. Specific questions and <br />observations related to; 1) number (of occupants), age, race and income of individuals in each <br />household; 2) accurate location of dwellings; 3) age, condition and type of dwelling; 4) whether or not a <br />dwelling was owner occupied or otherwise; 5) existing well water quality complaints; 6) observed <br />existing or potential water system (plumbing) or other physicaUtopographic (septic problems, inadequate <br />drainage/runoff) problems that could impact water quality; and 7) the chronology of building and <br />property habitation relative to development of the landfill. The information obtained by Templeton was <br />summarized and presented by the County Engineer in an oral report to the Community Benefits <br />subcommittee of the Landfill Owners Group in mid-December 1998. The benefits subcommittee <br />requested that the information be tabularized and summarized in a written report with maps for its <br />meeting in January 1999. <br />