Orange County NC Website
~.•~J :.t: .. .y. •• •• ~. •. •• .. •. .~ <br />12 <br />:'~ determTnt*+g the syphilis cases seen in the last quarter and comparing these to cases reported.. In <br />• ~ addition, procedures for screening and reporting cases will be reviewed at each local jail, drug <br />treatment center, emergency room, and other clinics which serve the high-risk population. <br />To better understand the epidemiology of syphilis cases, we plan a pilot project to characterize <br />strains of Treponema pallidum. With the collaboration of the Division of AIDS, STD, and T13 <br />Laboratory Research, Center for Infectious Diseases, we will assess T. pallidum strains within <br />our five-county target area in 1998-99. These data will allow us to evaluate the hypothesis that <br />the syphilis epidemic is moving across the central part of the state, presumably facilitated by the <br />movement of core transmitters. Empiric demonstration of strain movement from county to <br />county, or demonstration that local epidemics are not linked, will help direct future prevention <br />efforts. • <br />2. Plan Development <br />Each county will be given funds to hire an outreach worker. The county will either hire the <br />outreach worker or contract with a community based organizaxion to hire the worker. The <br />outreach workers will need to be street smart, nonjudgmental, and respected by the communities <br />and individuals at risk. The outreach workers will also be trained in phelobotomy so that they <br />can obtain blood specimens outside of clinic settings. The outreach workers should be in place by <br />December 31,1998. Regardless of the employer, the outreach worker will work closely with the <br />county health department, the community-based organizations, other county agencies and the <br />Section. These relationships will be established through a memorandum of understanding. <br />A syphilis awareness task force will be formed in each county. by inviting representatives from <br />(at a minimum) health-related CBOs, the county jail, the housing authority, and the Iocal health <br />department, as well as the syphilis outreach worker. The task forces will meet at Ieast quarterly <br />to assess the impact of syphilis intervention and plan intervention activities for the following <br />quarter in the county. <br />A syphilis elimination plan, customized for each county, will be developed through the joint <br />efforts of the project coordinator, local DIS, local CBO representatives, other members of the <br />syphilis awareness task force, and Section star'fi Results of the community and clinical ser traces <br />assessments as described above will be used to determine the details of each county's plan. <br />Because of similarities among the syphilis. outbreaks in this area of North Carolina, it is e~.-pected <br />that the plans will have many common components, but local #leaibility is critical. <br />r <br />~. Plan Implementation <br />Although the specifics of the plan will vary.from county to county, and will not be determined <br />until after the community assessments are performed, same basic components are expected: to be <br />included based on previous work done in Guilford County. These components are outlined <br />below. <br />7 <br />