Orange County NC Website
and arts organizations. This budget amendment provides for the receipt of the funds and offsets amounts <br />spent for printing for this department. (see column #10, page 5) <br />Sheriff <br />11) The Orange County Sheriffs Department received notification of a Troops to Cops grant award for this <br />fiscal year. The grant supports the employment of military veterans for law enforcement jobs. The grant <br />totals $26,870 and will off set training and equipment costs for five officers. (see column #11, page 5) <br />Efland Volunteer Fire Departmenf <br />12) The Chair of the Efland Volunteer Fire Department Board of Directors recently submitted a request to use <br />the department's fund balance. The department plans to replace the chassis of an existing brush truck. <br />According to the attached letter from the Director, the current truck constantly needs maintenance and is <br />unreliable. Replacement of the brush truck is part of the district's five-year plan as outlined in their budget <br />request. This amendment appropriates the department's fund balance ($21,361) for the purchase. (See <br />page 20, column #12) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br />RECOMMENDATION (S): The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the <br />budget ordinance amendments and the grant and capital project ordinances. <br />