Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT 3 <br />ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PRIORITY LIST <br />FOR CONSIDERATION OF FUNDING IN <br />THE DURHAM - CHAPEL HILL - CARRBORO <br />( sir eM vrFawo oe-Toaa/L 15 , 09-7- <br />N <br />0999�2oosj <br />Orange County appreciates the opportunity to participate in the Durham - Chapel Hill- Carrboro <br />Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program process. We would also commend <br />the Lead Planning -Agency's staff: Mr. Mark Ahrendsen, Ms. Kimberley McCarter, Mr. Felix <br />Nwoko, Mr. Wesley Parham, and Mr. Tim Saunders. We are very appreciative of their efforts <br />and are looking forward to working with them in the future. <br />POLICY.ISSUE - PROJECT INITIATED BY NC DOT <br />1) R -3829: Feasibility Study to iden Mt.Cai nel Church Road (SR 1008) to Multi -lanes - <br />Orange County requests the following: a) that the feasibility study (R -3829) be <br />handled through the current Durham- Chapel Hill- Carrboro (DCHC) Metropolitan <br />Planning Organization (MPO) process for the 1999 -2005 TIP; and b) that in the future, <br />Orange County be consulted about feasibility studies in its jurisdiction before such <br />studies are added to the TIP. <br />REQUESTED PROJECTS <br />1) U -2805: Homestead Road Widening - This project remains Orange County's .top <br />priority for new road projects requested from TIP funds. Orange County requests the <br />further advancement of Homestead Road in the TIP schedule for the following <br />reasons: a) in the year 2000, the completed widening of Airport Road will <br />approximately double its capacity and provide increased access to the land served by <br />Homestead Road; and. b) there will be a period of approximately two years during <br />which accident exposure will be increased because Homestead Road will not have <br />been improved at the same time as Airport Road. <br />11) NC 86: construct bicycle lanes - from Chapel Hill (Whitfield Road) to Hillsborough (US <br />70). Scheduled Improvements to Airport Road (NC 86) in Chapel Hill will extend <br />bicycle facilities from UNC to Whitfield Road (SR 1731) in Orange County. NC 86 <br />from Chapel Hill to Hillsborough is experiencing increasing numbers of bicyclists using <br />this route and there are also two new schools along this route.. Orange County <br />requests that bicycle lanes be constructed. <br />COMMENTS ON OTHER TIP PROJECTS INITIATED BY NC DOT <br />1) 1 305• widening of 185 to six lanes and reconstruction of interchanges from Orate_ <br />Grove Road to Durham County Line - Even though 'this project remains an <br />"IDENTIFIED FUTURE NEED ", Orange County requests that its staff 'be allowed to <br />participate in the planning of the facility. The County is specifically interested in the <br />following infrastructure improvements as they relate to the 1 -85/US 70 Economic <br />Development District: <br />