Orange County NC Website
Executive Summary <br />Construction and Demolition Waste Materials Management <br />This report provides information about the current state of construction and demolition <br />waste management in Orange County, describes past studies and staff reports undertaken <br />on C &D both in the County and regionally, and outlines key issues regarding options for <br />future C &D management. <br />The report is primarily descriptive with no specific staff recommendations from among <br />the options described. We believe that the Board of Commissioners is at a critical <br />juncture regarding management of construction and demolition waste in Orange County <br />and moving towards concrete decisions at this time on management of C &D would <br />greatly assist both short and long -term planning for siting, financing and designing any <br />equipment and facilities that would be used in C &D management. Development of policy <br />tools that would complement the strategies selected to physically manage C &D could <br />also begin as decisions are made on facilities. <br />For each of the management choices for C &D we have outlined the key issues and <br />associated costs. The options are grouped as short-term disposal (Chapter 2), long -term <br />disposal (Chapter 3) and reduction/recycling options (Chapter 4). The cost estimates are <br />general and the key issues presented in a bullet form to highlight important points. We <br />await guidance from the Board before providing detailed analysis of specific options. <br />The staff has recently completed an engineering analysis of the current C &D site at <br />Eubanks Road and determined that is feasible to raise the height of the current working <br />area by 18 — 20 feet with no detriment to operations, surrounding aesthetics or the <br />environment. We plan, if there are no objections, to submit our permit application to the <br />State for this vertical expansion. We estimate a gain of up to eighteen months of C &D <br />landfill space by this expansion while remaining below the treeline and lower than the <br />finished grade for the MSW landfill on the south side. <br />While this vertical expansion, if approved by the State, buys us valuable time for <br />planning, siting and designing any new facilities, we believe it is wise to continue with <br />the C &D management decision - making process now underway. The options described in <br />this report can be broken into two general categories — management of C &D that must be <br />buried and methods for recycling, reusing and reducing the amount of C &D destined for <br />landfilling. <br />The categories complement each other. We believe this County would be well - served by <br />implementing a comprehensive, integrated approach to C &D management that combines <br />policy and fiscal tools to encourage reduction of C &D generation, a means and location <br />to recycle and process C &D that has markets or can be reused, and a secure, final <br />destination or transfer station to manage what cannot be reduced, reused or recycled. <br />