special !-)",at no such amFndr..e._ shat- ire adcptsr' unless least even d=v'
<br />,,:.rittsn notice thereof has been ?,=e,,-iousl+,• riven to all ..- the members ofsthe- Authority.
<br />T h:_ve excemined, in the office of the Rec_is`er Deeds of Ctan,e County e
<br />records of tne (reai,aalr) meeting of the Board of Commissioners of. Cranoe County on
<br />the 2nd day of September, 1969. Said meeting way duly call-ed prop held in accordance
<br />rules and re ulations 7romulgated prusuan` __-to. _-_ _ -d rneeting there ,
<br />':as
<br />_ lly and raperly pc.ssed a_nd adopted, RESCL._TICN 3ECL.-_RI"_- NEED FCR _y WCUSING
<br />I do hereby c?.rtifv that said resolution a^d t'-e actions t-ere ,._r co^tem,?l-tad
<br />_
<br />_ nfcrm ace th- and ar not 'c^-t-arv or pro-ibi __ _ the l= . cf tho Sta _
<br />of V iNorn _thrCarolin ..
<br />The foreccinc legal coinion -_ndered this t'a 8th da- Dccc_... er, _96'9, by
<br />in my rapacity as the duly ,pointed and cu-lified ..__nt?'?..ttorr.ev?of the County
<br />of Crance. -
<br />Ls/L•a ius '•r Cheshire
<br />.ttorne_y the county of Orange
<br />SE IT FURTHER RESCLAED that the _r^orate seal of this Authority shall consist
<br />of _ circular device and shall have__.scribed the name of the Authority and. the
<br />year of its organizeticn and the Secretary `_s hereby directed tc purchase sage. Such
<br />seal is hereby adopted as the seal of +_.. ..uthority.
<br />After discussion the rasolutio:, Cor..^.issioner .l=ard -.ovsd th°t raid resclutie7.
<br />be finally adopted as introduced and re-.d. The motion :as seconded by Commissioner
<br />Bennett. The ,uesticn being put upon the tine' adoption of ._id resolution, the
<br />roll celled ,:i=h the followinc _esu_t:
<br />Ayes: Carl N. S ith, Harvey D. Sennett, Ira W°_-d, Willi a-m C. Ray and Henrv
<br />S. Walker.
<br />Nays. None
<br />The Chairman declared such motion carried and the reso'_utien finaliv adopted.
<br />Thy Chairman announced th=t it s:as in order to elect t..e officers of th= ?
<br />Authority to serve until the next annual mentine or .nail their successors =re
<br />chcsen ?nd cualify in their stead. r
<br />Comm=scion. or Bard '..as nominated for the office 0.6 vice-Chairman, and there being
<br />no further nominations, tr_ CTS--rmsn declared that the s=aid Commissioner pad been
<br />duly e'_QCted to the office of Vice-Chairman of the ?-uthc.ri +r.
<br />It bei.na determined that the office of Secretary shc•,ld not be perr.^aner_tly filled
<br />for the presant, it .:as decided to select one of the Co=!Fsioners of the rutheritv
<br />,:. to serve as Secretary "ro, _m., withc+.:Lt compensation ether __a.n for necessary peaces.
<br />Thereupon it moved v Commissioner ';lard that Henrv S. Wal:cer, one of the
<br />I.
<br />Commissioners of the Authority, be appchted to the ..ffice of Secretary pro -ern,
<br />serve a such, tri thout compensation _cther ___- _ for necessary e ense until _
<br />permanent =p^ointment --d 'been :'fade. The m.ot cn w=_5 secondedbv Commissioner B=n-tt
<br />and t ereupoy the Cl..airman put the question on the adoption of the motion. _ vote
<br />beinc te.i•:nn, it -As found that said motion h-d received _ffi_ma t. ive vote of _
<br />...=7cri4-y of the Commissioners, nd thereupon t--e Ch=airman declared the same duly
<br />ado^ted and Commissioner Walker appointed."
<br />It +,!as moved and seconded that the meeting of Cor•rr'ssicners of tr-e Grange Ccunt-
<br />ttousinc Authority be _ adjourned and that the meeting of t..e Commissioners of the
<br />Cranre Countv Board be ra-convened.
<br />The County Attorney ores^nted an agreement from Cos-'riat Dairy.Distributors, Inc.
<br />rz?lx,itive to the Tom Burnett property, i•rhich is covered by a Welfare lien, for the
<br />sicnature of Chairman. Smith, The Cos-Wat Dairy Distributors, Inc. ,:,ere aareeinc to 1
<br />pav $5,000.00 for the release of said property c,ith the understanding that $',COO
<br />.could be paid in 1959, and $1,000 plus 696 interest would _d be raid on the first of
<br />December on each succeeding vear until tre principal sum. had beer. raid in full. It
<br />;as further agreed that the County c•;ouldsatisfy the old ?ce assistance lien on record
<br />ar_.einst the property and .,,ould execute consent judgment and ,!ould not levy against
<br />said property as long as the terms of the agreement relative to naymer_t of said
<br />principal uJere met.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bennett, second=_d by Commissioner- walker, it ,,!as
<br />moved and unanimously adopted, that Chairman Smith be authorized to sign the
<br />agreement bet•;;6e.^_ Cos-Wat Dairv Distributors, Inc. a:-.d Crance County.
<br />The Countv Attorney presented a release deed from. Or=ange County to Dalton H.
<br />Loftin, ecting as Commissioner for the George ;ilscn Dodson Estate. The County
<br />Attornev stated that the court had a-a?ointe? Mr. Loftin as Ccnmissioner to settle
<br />the estate of George Wilson Dodson o? 'which Josie A. Dodson, and Ida Dodson owned
<br />one-eighth (1/8) undivided interest and thst S_zid _n__ --rest in said property is
<br />covered by Ws_fa.re liens _ecordec in lien book 3 page 163 and lien bco,c 5 pa-e,349.
<br />---u said property was sold at public auction and the one-cichth (1/8) interest of
<br />osie A. Dodson s^d Ida Dodson -mountS tc ;3,986.36 which would be deposited to the
<br />County =unds.
<br />-j^on motion of Commissioner Ray, s r_cndcd by Ccmrrissicner Ward, it was moved and
<br />', nimcusly adopted that Chairman Smit- b,e aulthcrized to si, •.n - , ,n the release deed from
<br />C;ar_ceCcunty to Dalton -. Loftin, Commissioner.
<br />iscussicn ensued relative to the dates for _ 7ubli_ hearing on the zonin petition
<br />__'_ed by residents cf Eno To,:rr_ship.
<br />
<br />_ ,: .