<br />North Carolina Association of County Commissioners
<br />Group Benefits Pool
<br />Rates Effective January 1, 2009 to January 1, 2010 Attaohment•5A
<br />for Orange County
<br />Current Pro
<br />ram Current Rates Current Membership Coun Pays ~ Emplo ee Pa s ~
<br />g PPO HMO Total PPO HMO Total PPO HMO Total PPO HMO Total
<br />Employee $522.08 $445.06 55 481 536 $522.08 $445.06 $0.00 $0.00
<br />Employee /Spouse $1,101.52 $938.66 6 119 125 $823.39 $701.73 $278.13 $236.93
<br />Employee /Child $730.90 $623.06 3 95 98 $630.67 $537.62 $100.23 $85.44
<br />Employee /Children $1,007.54 $858.98 0 76 76 $774.52 $660.30 $233.02 $198.68
<br />Family 1 566.18 1$ •335.18 1 106 107 1 065.01 9$ 07.92 501.17 427.26
<br />Annual/Total $468,989 $7,101,320 $7,570,309 65 877 942 $439,341 $5,940,911 $6,380,253 $29,648 $1,160,409 $1,190,056
<br /> Renewal Rates Current Membershi Coun Pa s ~ Emplo ee Pa s ~
<br />Renewal PPO Buy-Up PPO Buy-Up PPO Buy-Up PPO Buy-Up
<br /> HMO Total HMO Total HMO Total HMO Total
<br />Employee $465.40 $485.88 55 481 536 $465.40 $485.88 $0.00 $0.00
<br />Employee /Spouse $981.98 $1,025.20 6 119 125 $734.02 $734.02 $247.96 $291.18
<br />Employee /Child $651.56 $680.22 3 95 98 $562.20 $562.20 $89.36 $118.02
<br />Employee /Children $898.22 $937.74 0 76 76 $690.47 $690.47 $207.75 $247.27
<br />Family 1 396.18 1$ •457.62 1 106 107 9$ 49.41 949.41 446.77 508.21
<br />Annual/Total $418,077 $7,753,247 $8,171,324 65 877 942 $391,646 $6,330,946 $6,722,592 $26,431 $1,422,301 $1,448,733
<br />Increase Overall -10.9% 9.2% 7.9% 5.4% 21.7%.
<br />Renewal Program - Renewal Rates Renewal Membership z Coun Pa s s Emplo ee Pa s'
<br />Buy-Up W/Reduced PPO Buy-Up PPO Buy-Up PPO Buy-Up PPO Buy-Up
<br />EE Contribution HMO Total HMO Total HMO Total HMO Total
<br />Employee $465.40 $485.88 402 134 536 $465.40 $475.64 $0.00 $10.24
<br />Employee /Spouse $981.98 $1,025.20 94 31 125 $734.02 $734.02 $247.96 $291.18
<br />Employee /Child $651.56 $680.22 74 24 98 $562.20 $562.20 $89.36 $118.02
<br />Employee /Children $898.22 $937.74 57 19 76 $690.47 $690.47 $207.75 $247.27
<br />Family 1 396.18 1 457.62 80 27 107 949.41 9$ 49.41 446.77 508.21
<br />Annual/Total $5,886,064 $2,044,646 $7,930,710 707 235 942 $4,956,013 $1,664,834 $6,620,847 $930,051 $379,812 $1,309,863
<br />Increase Overall 4.8% 3.8% 10.1%
<br />Renewal Program - Renewal Rates Renewal Membership z Coun Pa s a Emplo ee Pa s'
<br />Buy-Up W/Full EE pp0 Buy-Up PPO Buy-Up PPO Buy-Up PPO Buy-Up
<br />Contribution HMO Total HMO Total HMO Total HMO Total
<br />Employee $465.40 $485.88 402 134 536 $465.40 $465.64 $0.00 $20.48
<br />Employee /Spouse $981.98 $1,025.20 94 31 125 $734.02 $734.02 $247.96 $291.18
<br />Employee /Child $651.56 $680.22 74 24 98 $562.20 $562.20 $89.36 $118.02
<br />Employee /Children $898.22 $937.74 57 19 76 $690.47 $690.47 $207.75 $247.27
<br />Family 1 396.18 1 457.62 80 27 107 949.41 949.41 4$ 46.77 508.21
<br />Annual/Total $5,886,064 $2,044,646 $7,930,710 707 235 942 $4,956,013 $1,648,754 $6,604,767 $930,051 $396,278 $1,326,329
<br />Increase Overall 4.8% 3.5% 11.5%
<br />O tion 2 One Plan Rates Membership Coun Pas Emplo ee Pa s
<br /> PPO Total PPO PPO
<br />Em to ee $477.50 536 $477.50 $0.00
<br />Em to ee / S ouse $1,007.52 125 $753.11 $254.41
<br />Em to ee /Child $668.48 98 $576.81 $91.67
<br />Em to ee /Children $921.58 76 $708.42 $213.16
<br />Family $1,432.50 107 $974.10 $458.40
<br />Annualffotal $8,048,503 $8,048,503 942 $6,776,097 $6,776,097 $1,272,406
<br />Increase Overall 6.3% 6.2% 6.9%
<br />Footnotes
<br />1. Assumes the county pays:
<br />Core Plan: 100% of the employee cost and 52% of the dependent cost
<br />Buy-Up Plan: 100% of the employee cost and the same amount as the core plan for the other type contracts (emp/sp, emp/child, etc)
<br />2. Renewal Membership with shift assumes 75% of the employees will elect the "core" plan and 25% will elect the buy-up due to different contribution strategy.
<br />3. Assumes the county pays:
<br />Core Plan: 100% of the employee cost and 52% of the dependent cost
<br />Buy-Up Plan: $475.64 (or $465.64) of the employee cost and the same amount as the core plan for the other type contracts
<br />(emp/sp, emp/child, etc)
<br />This information is confidential and cannot be reproduced, distributed or printed without written permission from NCACC.
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