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5 <br />ALTERNATE PROPOSALS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION <br />AND <br />IMPACT ON PROJECT TIMELINES <br />The three proposals below are offered for illustration and discussion purposes only. The Board <br />may modify and exchange elements as they sit fit to engage maximum and meaningful public <br />engagement before making a final decision on a Waste Transfer Station location. <br />Proposal 1: <br />October 21: BOCC selects the top five candidate sites according to Technical and/or <br />Community Specific Criteria <br />November 5-November 13: BOCC holds one or more public hearings near the top five <br />candidate sites to receive direct public comment Public hearings include Olver, Inc. <br />presentation on the top five candidate sites. <br />November 18: BOCC decides the final site, following public comment period at the meeting, <br />and directs County management to proceed into negotiations for acquisition <br />Proposal 2: <br />October 21: BOCC selects manageable number of candidate sites (no more than 4) from <br />among the ten candidate sites according to Technical and/or Community Specific Criteria, and <br />authorizes Olver, Inc. to conduct public listening sessions at locations near the candidate sites <br />October 22-November 6: Olver, Inc. conducts public listening sessions on the candidate sites <br />at locations near the candidate sites <br />November 18: Olver, Inc. reports findings, conclusions, and recommendations. BOCC decides <br />final site, following public comment period at the meeting, and directs County management to <br />proceed into negotiations for acquisition <br />Proposal 3: <br />October 21: BOCC selects one site from the ten candidate sites according to the Technical <br />and Community Specific Criteria. BOCC agrees to hold a formal public hearing on the selected <br />site at its next Transfer Station Siting meeting on November 18. BOCC authorizes Olver, Inc. to <br />conduct a public information and education session on the selected site at a location near the <br />site prior to the public hearing/meeting on November 18. <br />October 22 -November 6; Olver, Inc. conducts public information and education meeting at <br />location near the selected site <br />November 18: BOCC holds formal public hearing on selected site, and (A) Confirms and <br />Approves the site selection, or (B) Directs County Management and Olver, Inc. to provide <br />additional information on the site selected, or (C) Directs County Management and Olver, Inc. <br />to return on December 11 with information pertaining to one or more of the remaining nine <br />candidate sites. <br />