Orange County NC Website
1 Progress Overview <br />2 1. Selection of Final Candidate Sites for Community-Specific Evaluation <br />3 • Based upon Technical Evaluation 6 Sites are Recommended as Candidate <br />4 Sites for Community-Specific Evaluation <br />5 <br />6 Technical Site Evaluation Summary <br />7 <br />8 Next Phase <br />9 1. Upon Approval by BOCC Conduct Public Input Meetings for Recommended <br />10 Candidate Sites <br />11 2. Public Input Meeting <br />12 • Presentation and Discussion of Technical Evaluation <br />13 Receive Community-Specific Evaluation Input from the Public regarding the <br />14 Proposed Candidate Sites <br />15 3. Conduct Community-Specific Evaluation of Candidate Sites <br />16 4. Prepare Initial Ranking of Candidate Sites <br />17 5. Present Results to BOCC at October 21 2008 Work Session <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 Bob Sallach of Olver explained that site 304 had an amendment file that would exclude <br />21 development'of the site, so it was removed. <br />22 The ten sites that were chosen are shown on Exhibit 2. According to the rankings and <br />23 scoring, the top two sites are very highly ranked in comparison to the other sites. There is <br />24 another break at sites five and six. He is asking that the community-specific criteria be applied <br />25 to the top six sites. If the Board approves these six sites, then the sites will be taken to three <br />26 community meetings to receive public input. <br />27 <br />28 Commissioner Nelson said that three of the sites were dropped from consideration - 826, <br />29 717, and 010. He asked why these were dropped. Bob Sallach made reference to the point <br />30 totals in terms of total points. The top two sites were in the mid 600's and then there was a <br />31 band of four sites that were very close in total points. <br />32. Commissioner Nelson verified that this was a subjective decision and a logical break <br />33 point. <br />34 In answer to a question from Commissioner Carey, Bob Sallach made reference to the <br />35 project schedule and meeting timeline and said that the process is being followed. He thinks <br />36 that the process should be redefined before going forward, because everyone is not on the <br />37 same page as anticipated. <br />38 Commissioner Nelson said that there was a lot of public input on the creation of the <br />39 community-specific criteria and he feels that this is a good package. He thinks that they should <br />40 be applied before the sites are taken out to public hearing. He thinks that this goal has been <br />41 accomplished. <br />42 Chair Jacobs said that it does not make sense to him to solicit public comment, give <br />43 values to the community-specific criteria, and then not apply them before going out into the <br />44 community. The logic to him is to take the ten sites that are remaining, not six, and apply the <br />45 criteria to all of them. He thinks that the ordering of the ten would be significantly different if this <br />46 were done. He does not want a process that will prolong people's discomfort, anger, and sense <br />47 of betrayal by the Board of County Commissioners. <br />48 Bob Sallach said that he would like to move forward with defining the process that the <br />49 County Commissioners want the consultants to follow, from this point on. <br />50 Commissioner Carey said that he would like to ask the consultants to apply the <br />51 community-specific criteria, but the question becomes what to take to the public for comment. <br />