Orange County NC Website
Objective 1-1.3 <br /> Develop new transportation facilities in a manner that has a positive impact or at least minimizes <br /> negative impacts on the natural environment, including air quality, water resources (wetlands, <br /> streams, water supply watersheds), biological resources, and wildlife habitat. <br /> Objective 1-1.4 <br /> Develop new transportation facilities in a manner that has a positive impact or at least minimizes <br /> negative impacts on the community, including historical or cultural assets, existing <br /> neighborhoods, schools and recreational facilties, and the overall rural character in Orange <br /> County. <br /> Objective T-1.5 <br /> Identify prime viewsheds along major transportation corridors and protect these areas for their <br /> scenic and natural resource values. <br /> B. Transportation Goal 3 which will become Goal 4 (starts on page 9-32, also numbered page <br /> 44 in the August 25 packet) <br /> Efficient and safe traffic movement along Orange County's routes and corridors. <br /> Delete Objective T-3.2 which would have become T-4.2, since it is now covered under Objective <br /> T-1.1. Change it to the following: <br /> Construct new bicycle facilities in Orange County that will make cycling for transportation <br /> purposes safer and more convenient. <br /> (This is similar to Objective 1-1.7 under Goal 1 in the May 6 document.) <br /> Change Objective T-3.4 which will become T-4.4 <br /> Reduce the use of fossil fuels and increase local production, distribution, and use of renewable, <br /> sustainable fuels. <br /> Change Objective T-3.8 which will become T-4.8 <br /> Increase safety awareness between car drivers and bicycle riders, and increase safety for <br /> pedestrians. <br /> OVERALL COMMENTS <br /> I was impressed by all the work that has gone into the comprehensive plan, and noted the <br /> length and complexity of the document. I appreciate all that has been done by our advisory <br /> boards and staff, and by the public in their comments. <br /> The public hearing agenda abstract lists as one purpose of the hearing to "receive direction <br /> from the Board of Commissioners as to subsequent steps." According to the schedule, the <br /> commissioners will be considering the plan one more time, and that is for approval at our <br /> regular meeting on October 7. It is my opinion that the commissioners will have to devote a <br /> major portion of that meeting to the plan and/or schedule an additional work session. <br /> End of Commissioner Gordon's comments. <br /> Commissioner Foushee made reference to a comment from Mr. Rosen regarding <br /> filtering comments that come in. She asked for someone to elaborate on that process. <br /> Tom Altieri said that Planning staff mutually agreed to work together to review all <br /> comments submitted by the public. This review remains a work in progress. All written <br />