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1 ~' <br />•~ <br />• - North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services <br />Office of Long-Term Services and Supports <br />RFA# OLT5-08-01 <br />REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS . <br />EXPANSION OF AGING AND DISABILITY RESOURCE CONNECTIONS (ADRC~ <br />FUNDING AGENCY: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services <br />ISSUE~DATE: April 15, 2008 <br />.FUNDING AGENCY: NCDHHS Office of Long term Services and Supports <br />Location: 906 Tate Drive Raleigh, NC 27603 ' <br />Mail: 2001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-2001 <br />Applications, subject to the conditions made a part of hereof, will be received until 5:00 p.m., <br />June 9, 2008, for furnishing services described herein. <br />SEND ALL APPLICATIONS DIRECTLY TO THE FUNDING AGENCY ADDRESS SHOWN ABOVE. <br />Direct all inquiries concerning this RFA to: Sabrerra Lea <br />Location: 906 Tate Drive, Dorothea Dix Campus, Raleigh, NC 27603 <br />Mail: 2001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-2001 <br />Phone: 919-855.4428 <br />• Fax: 919.715.8399 <br />NOTE: All prospective applicarrts are ENCOURAGED to participate in a BIDDER'S AUDIO-INFERENCE C~~LL on May <br />2, 2008 from 10:00-12:00 noon. The call in number is: 919A20.7945. Questions concerning the spedfications in this <br />Request for Applications win be received unto 5.'00 p.m. April 30, 2008 by email to A <br />summary of an questions and answers discussed during the bidder's conference can win be available on the websrte <br />at htin://www.ncdhhs.eov/itc/ and emaned to an agenaes and organizations who received a copy of this RFA. <br />Prospective appi'icants are asked to complete and return notice of intent to apply. (See instructions on page 17) <br />INTRODUCTION <br />With this Request for AppGretions (RFA), the North Carnf~ Departrnerrt of Health and Human Servkes Oifioe of longxerrn <br />Services and Supports (NCDHHS OLTS) &rtends to identify and fund applicants that demonstrate how ADRCs wiT be <br />devebped, implemented, and used as a vehicle m irrrplement the OLTS vision: th create a statevride, irrlegrated, person and <br />farru1y-centered system for arose who need bog-term services and supports so that they can five and actluuey partic~abe ~ <br />communities ofthe~ d~oice. In an effort in rrraiar'ri¢e expareron.ei~ applications that cover multiple counties are DIY <br />encouraged ~ is the use of tedmology tD track and provide inforrnation and assistance to wristnriers. Streamfming access <br />to services and mmimaurg the bunien fior tti ten their "stories" repeatedly do varbus derides is of paramourrt <br />importance. The objective for th's RFA derives from the 2001 North Caronrra IrntiTute on Medidne Reoorruneridations, <br />spedfKany; "The North Carolina OHHS should devebp a'un~orm portal of errt~(systerrr for long~errn care services ~ whictr <br />oonfiderrtiaGty of rciforrrration is er>sixed (prioriity)." ADRCs should be the pruriary vehicle for establishing a uniform portal of <br />entryto lor~tenn services and supports in North Carolina. . <br />The intent of the RFA is not tD supplant exrsbrrg programs that provide iirformation and referral servbes to obey adults and <br />indfiriduak widr disabi"filres. tt is also not the ~rterit of this RFA to devebp segregated programs. To the contrary, this RFA <br />seeks m integrate and strerigdien relationships between e>asting providers through the esiabl~sfrmerrt aF formal nnlages, <br />• partnerships, and referral protocols. <br />5 of 59 <br />