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BOOK ' PACE 226 <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner ?lard, it was moved <br />and unanimously adopted, that Freston Bogen be re-appointed to a three year term <br />as a member of the County Flanning Board. Said term to run consecutive with his <br />current term. <br />Chairman Smith presented a letter from Hubert Patterson which stated that he <br />planned to present to the Durham-Orange idedieal Society certain grievances relative <br />to the State Medical Examiner. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was moved <br />and unanimously adopted, that the recommendation of the County Planning Board <br />relative to the request of Kenneth Cheek to re-zone from a residential area to a <br />commercial area be approved. <br />Chairman Smith called for a vote on this motion. Commissioners Ray, Walker <br />and Bennett voted aye. Commissioner Ward voted nay. Chairman Smith declared the <br />motion passed. <br />Commissioner Ray made the request that the Board have the clerk write Clifton <br />L. Benson, District Highway Commissioner, and request that the highway coma-ission <br />proceed, as fast as possible, to undertake improvements on highway 86 North. <br />Corir._issioner Ray stated that it was his understanding that the necessary monies had <br />been allocated for.this project. <br />The County administrator was requested to write Pearson Stewart and schedule <br />a meeting in order that all interested uovernmental Boards and Planning Boards might <br />meet with representatives of the Research Triangle Commission to review the report <br />on open land usage. <br />Commissioner 77ard stated that it was only two months before the election on the <br />Sales Tax Referendum would be held and that he was of the opinion that the Board <br />should make a concentrated effort to solidify the efforts of the proponents of the <br />sales tax. It was agreed that the members of the two school boards and the three <br />:municipal boards should meet on Thursday, September 11, 1969, for the purpose of <br />discussing the Sales Tax Referendum. <br />A public hearing on the two ordinances entitled "I CRDTML'X0E k417HCRI?IM_ "-'!'3 <br />C AI'r 'Y? CF THE BCARP CF COP:'SS'3ICVERS TO PECCI?1rY RESTRICTICNS IN RPS?'CNSE TC "_'H? <br />H.-EDS CP AN F".IERCENCY" and "AN CRDINANCE TC --ER?,'IT DIST-ERSAL CF ASSMaLIE'S DURING <br />, 21:-RRGr2..CY" was scheduled for h_onday, September 15, 1969, at 8 o'clock F.7". in <br />the Courtroom at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Chairman Smith presented a letter from Dr. Hudson, State -fedical Examiner. <br />Said letter advised the Board that his department had accepted the resignation of <br />Dr. 3ubert Fatterson as Crange County's Chief Ledical Examiner. <br />Mrs. duentin Patterson, Idember of the Resource, Conservation and Development <br />Commission, John Howell, Representative-of the State Fecreation Commission, Bob <br />Powell, Representative of the Resource Conservation and Development Commission and <br />John Vance, Representative of the Resource Conservation and Development Recreation <br />Division were present to present suggestions and evaluations as to the need for a <br />Countywide Recreation Commission. Copies of a Node1 Recreation Commission Ordinance <br />was presented to the Board. It was pointed out that vacant schools-could be utilized <br />as facilities to house the recreation program. Discussion ensued as to the methods <br />which could be applied for the implementation of a recreation commission. ?ors. <br />Patterson stated teat they were not in a position, at this time, to submit positive <br />plans for the establishment of a recreation cormission, but t.-at she wished to request <br />that the Board consider retaining the current vacant school plants looking towards <br />the time when such a commission could be established. :qrs. Fatterson stated further <br />that any programs must be initiated in varying degrees and that the program would <br />enroll both the youth and the adults of the county. The Recreation Commission <br />Ordinance was referred to the County kttorney for evaluation. action on this matter <br />was deferred. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Ray, it was moved <br />and unanimously adopted that the County administrator reimburse A. Gordon Neville <br />in the amount of $40.00 as authorized under C.S. 105-405.1 and under C. S. 105-228.29. <br />The clerk wqs instructed to inquire as to the disposition of the Lake Orange <br />road petition. <br />Chairman Smith filed the following items with the clerk. <br />1. Letter dated July 14, 1969, relative to road way entering Freeland Feights. <br />2. Copy of Recreation Enabling Law and Recreation in North Carolina booklets. <br />3. Letter from Pearson H. Stewart concerning Cori.:.issioner Ward's request for <br />reclassification survey. <br />4. Solid Waste h1anagement material. <br />5. Letter from Paul N. Guthrie, Jr., supporting the establishment of a County <br />Housing Authority. <br />6. Open letter to County Officials from North Carolina Association of County <br />Commissioners.