2008-033 BOCC - MCCI Document Management System Laserfiche
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2008-033 BOCC - MCCI Document Management System Laserfiche
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Last modified
9/18/2015 4:16:36 PM
Creation date
10/13/2008 10:37:51 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 05-20-2008-4r
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From: 919 644 0246 Page: 9/10 Date: 5!2312008 8:08:18 AM <br />• <br />N'J<CCt, a Limited Liability Company and subsidiary ofNItJNI;I:IPAL CODE CORFORATTl7N, which is <br />iN1 ~ ctily ptganrzed and existmrg under the laws of ~c Ststa oEFiiorida, hct>riaa$ear cefeated to as MCCi, Y <br />of6as bo provide E]ecCronic Dais Services to ORANGE C4UN'I'Y, NOHT$ CAROLIINA•-~ <br />ing Hader state law. hereinafter reft:rrod to as Ilse Client, according m <br />the fallowigg berms wad eoadltions. .. _.. _... ... . <br />RL~,G">('RONIC DATACON'VT~t.SION <br />MCCi will comer[ tlx Goucrty'a legacy l'DE' fik repository to the Lasaficba system. MCCi will require <br />aU PDF ljles amd the MS Access database for this project. 711e Coaaty aboald specify which index Hetds <br />fm9n the Access database are to be cotaincd as welt as the file naming eonvtrmton for the individual <br />docrm-eats. A folder stFtrctrmo within the Laaerficbe database will also be arsa0bd atxx~diag to directions <br />giver by the Cgngty. <br />scop$ of s>rl~v]<cEs <br />- Convert existing. multipaQe P'D~ 51es to tiff images, stored to a tasat[clsc SQL datalase as <br />Laserflche docnmerrts. <br />- The Laserfiche documems wttl be stared within a I,asorfiehe foldrar structure based on the <br />.County's requested format. . <br />- Ti:t~ ttlcs will be named according to a muting convention provided by the Cotmty. <br />The new Laser$ohe documents wiIi be indexui with ap m 5 fields of meta data from the Access <br />datz+bese as deterzrrined by the County. <br />- The L.aserf~che documents will be OCR'd for full t+cxi search funetionallty. <br />S Copy of data. The Client will provide MCCi with a Dopy of aU data to be comvecbed on an erxternal <br />hard drive. This will provide easier trarrsZ,ortation of the infotmatioa cad eliminate tlu need to stand <br />. the original CD-ROM media for conversion. <br />Conversion. MCCi will extract the images contained o® the hard drive end eonvart them to the <br />desired format raquestnd by the Clicat as mated above. Tba images cad ihes dootrnaeat clsasea (i.e. the <br />index data) will be preserved in the exact tz+onaer r+s k the current system. if manual image tramtir~g <br />or indexing is requirai the Client will be charged acxordirr$ to the oasts ottBined below. <br />Iadextee. if iudexiag is desired and not currelltty contained wIt}tia the eteatronic data converted, the <br />Court is required to provide IvfCCi wide a database: of ittdextnE Information whlelt would be used to <br />auto populate tcmpkte fieldt. <br />OCR, MCCi wil I co>adr7ct Optical Character Recoprltion (OCR) prvccssing if ttxlnirod and set out is <br />ttte scope of services. OCR accuracy IS depemderd upon existing image tirmlity. <br />pate Capture end QuttGtr Control. MCCi is not responsible far the accuratsy of existing indexing <br />data cad irttage quality, such as earns on the media. image Sle corruption, data file eorrttption or <br />other errors that ere not wntrollable by MCCi. MCC{ wi[I report arty axles that canUOt be cotavettted t4 <br />the Client due to these edreurnstanca~- <br />7Poi~at of Contact. MCCt rt-guiros dm Client m make aeoessibie one point of oammct m Mt~i far all <br />decision making. This person is trrsponsible far vbgriaing all tgsprovals oa behalf of the Client is <br />regards to formattin,$, accuracy of data, tcropbrta 5alds, $Ie atru~turs, output format, etc. <br />• <br />This fax was received by GFI FAXmaker fez server. For more information, visit hitp:l/ <br />
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