Orange County NC Website
<br />. Accordingly, our services will not constitute an audit, compilation, review or attestation service of the <br />County's financial statements or any part thereof, as described in the pronouncements on professional <br />standards of the AICPA. <br />Our performance of the procedures will not result in the expression of an opinion, or any other form of <br />assurance, on the County's financial statements or any part thereof; no an opinion or any other form of <br />assurance on the County's internal control systems or its compliance with laws, regulations, or other <br />matters. <br />It is clearly understood that, while CB&H will assist the County, the ultimate responsibility for the <br />project remains solely with the County. <br />• <br />Scope of Services and Project Plan <br />We believe the tasks set forth in the following table are required in order for us to accomplish the <br />objectives noted above. We have provided our best estimate of the hours and fees required to <br />complete each task. <br />Project Tasks Total Hours Estimated Fees <br />General tannin for en a ement 30 $ 3,600 <br />Meet with and interviews of the tax collector, tax assessor <br />and an other relevant em to ees. Document the rocess. 60 7,200 <br />Meet with and interviews of human resources, payroll <br />employees, and any other relevant employees. Document <br />the rocess. 60 7,200 <br />Meet with and interview of purchasing department <br />employees and any other relevant employees. Document <br />the rocess. 50 6,000 <br />Meet with and interview of employees involved in the cash <br />disbursement rocess. Document the rocess. 50 6,000 <br />Meet with and interview of employees involved in the cash <br />recei t rocess. Document the rocess. 50 6,000 <br />Meet with and interview of employees involved in the <br />administration of the food stamp program. Document the <br />rocess. 60 7,200 <br />Meet with and interview of employees involved in the <br />administration of the Medicaid program. Document the <br />rocess. 60 7,200 <br />Meet with and interview of employees involved in the County <br />bud etin rocess. Document the rocess. 50 6,000 <br />Develop and present final report that includes analysis of the <br />Coun 's risk universe. 30 3,600 <br />Total Hours and Estimated Fees 500 $60,000 <br />The above fee estimate presumes a blended rate of approximately $120 per hour. This rate is based <br />upon our expectation that an experienced Senior will pertorm the majority of the initial business risk <br />• assessment given the complexity entailed in such a project. <br />The County is responsible for the appointment of a designated individual to serve as a liaison with <br />CB&H in coordinating the conduct of these services and communicating the results. <br />