2008-018 Planning - Triangle Rural Planning Org TARPO MOU
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2008-018 Planning - Triangle Rural Planning Org TARPO MOU
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Last modified
10/8/2008 12:33:05 PM
Creation date
10/8/2008 12:33:04 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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<br />• meet jointly with the Lee County Board member to determine the elected official to <br />represent the Lee County municipalities on the Triangle Area RTAC. A majority vote <br />of the Mayors or their designees shall determine the municipal representative. An <br />alternate voting member may also be determined in a similar manner for the municipal <br />representative. These voting members and their respective alternates shall be <br />identified by name in the TARPO RTAC membership roster. <br />C. One Commissioner representing the County of Moore Boazd; one alternate voting <br />member maybe designated• by the Moore County Board. Membership shall also <br />include one municipal elected official representing the municipalities within Moore <br />County that, by affirmative vote of their governing boazds, have elected to become <br />members of the Triangle Area RPO. The Mayors of the municipalities within Moore <br />County that aze members of the Triangle Area RPO or their local governing boazd <br />designees, shall meet jointly with the Moore County Boazd member to determine the <br />elected official to represent the Moore County municipalities on the Triangle Area <br />RTAC. A majority vote of the Mayors or their designees shall determine the <br />municipal representative. An alternate voting member may also be determined in a <br />similaz manner for the municipal representative. These voting members and their <br />respective alternates shall be identified by name in the TARPO RTAC membership <br />roster. . <br />D. One Commissioner representing the County of Orange Board; one alternate voting <br />member maybe designated by the Orange County Board. The voting member and the <br />alternate voting member shall be identified by name in the TARPO RTAC membership <br />roster. <br />E. One member from the North Cazolina Boazd of Transportation representing Division <br />8. <br />3. The Commissioner representing each county on the RTAC shall be elected every two years by <br />the Boazd of County Commissioners of each County in regular session. The municipal <br />representatives on the RTAC shall. also be elected every two years. All terms of appointment <br />to the RTAC shall be for two years. Reappointment is possible. The alternate voting <br />members shall meet the same criteria as the original appointees. ` ' <br />4. An RPO RTAC membership roster will be compiled, and updated at least annually, listing <br />each attendee and alternate, if applicable, for each member county or municipality. The <br />membership of a county or a municipal voting representative who fails to send the appointee <br />or alternate to two consecutive RPO meetings will be designated as a vacant seat and will not <br />count towazds quorum. Attendance at future meetings will reinstate the member. <br />5. A quorum is required for the transaction of all business, including conducting meetings or <br />hearings, participating in deliberations, or voting upon or otherwise transacting the public <br />business. A quorum consists of 51 % of the members of the RTAC, plus as many additional <br />members as may be required to ensure that 51 % of possible votes are present. The RTAC <br />• will meet as often as it is deemed necessary, appropriate and advisable. On the basis of <br />majority vote of its membership, the RTAC may elect a member of the committee to act as <br />chairperson with the responsibility for coordination of the committee's activities. <br />Page 3of 6 <br />
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