2008-018 Planning - Triangle Rural Planning Org TARPO MOU
Board of County Commissioners
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General Contracts and Agreements
2008-018 Planning - Triangle Rural Planning Org TARPO MOU
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Last modified
10/8/2008 12:33:05 PM
Creation date
10/8/2008 12:33:04 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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' 16 <br />5. Conduct transportation-related studies and surveys and provide transportation-related information to <br />local governments and other interested organizations and persons. <br />6. Undertake mutually agreed upon transportation-related tasks to enhance transportation system <br />development, coordination and efficiency. <br />Section 2. Administration and Funding. It is hereby further agreed that transportation plans and <br />programs and land use policies and programs for the Rural Transportation Planning Organization will be <br />coordinated by the Triangle J Council of Governments, an agency selected on behalf of participating local <br />governments and the North Carolina Department of Transportation to be the administrative entity and <br />serve as the lead planning agency for coordinating transportation planning in the Research Triangle Rural <br />Transportation Planning Area. It is hereby further agreed that the participating local governments shall <br />provide the local matching funds necessary to obtain state funding for the Rural Transportation Planning <br />Organization. The RPO hereby authorizes the Triangle J Council of Governments to be the recipient of <br />any funds appropriated to the RPO by the North Carolina Department of Transportation pursuant to North <br />Carolina General Statute 136-213(c). <br />Section 3. Establishment of Rural Transuortation Advisory Committee (RTACI. A Rural <br />Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC) is hereby established with the responsibility for serving as a <br />forum for cooperative transportation planning decision making for the Rural Transportation Planning <br />Organization (RPO). The Rural Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC) shall have the responsibility <br />for keeping the policy boards informed of the status and requirements of the transportation planning <br />process; assisting in the dissemination and clarification of the decisions, inclinations, and policies of the <br />policy boards; and helping to ensure meaningful public participation in the transportation planning <br />process. <br />1. The Rural Transportation Advisory Committee will be responsible for carrying out the following: <br />A. Establishment of goals and objectives for the transportation planning process. <br />B. Review and recommend changes to adopted Transportation Plans for the Rural Transportation <br />Planning Organization. <br />C. Review and recommend a work program for Transportation Planning which defines work tasks <br />and responsibilities for the various agencies participating in the Rural Transportation Planning <br />Organization. <br />D. Review and recommend Transportation Improvement Projects which support and enhance <br />transportation within the Research Triangle Rural Transportation Planning Area. <br />2. The membership of the Rural Transportation Advisory Committee shall consist of the following: <br />A. One County Commissioner representing each County. <br />B. One municipal elected official representing the municipal interests in each County, unless there <br />are no municipalities included in a county's RPO planning area. <br />C. One member of the Triangle J Council of Governments Executive Board (ex-officio). <br />D. A member of the North Carolina Board of Transportation representing the Department of <br />Transportation. <br />3. The County Commissioner representing each county shall be elected by the Board of County <br />Commissioners of each county in regular session. The elected municipal representative shall be selected <br />by balloting of municipal elected officials within the RPO planning area in each county (one vote for each <br />town) every two years. A simple majority vote wins the seat. The term of office for all seats on the • <br />RTAC is two years. Re-appointment is possible. <br />`, r ,, I•. ~_::F3(,.x3 g..€}[s ~l_`~I :I;I ~~ <'.ti? .{(If ~€', <~~. -3x~.?~;,`,..,< (" 3 _}.tZ.'t) .. i~i::l 71'.3 Atf z{ z. <br />
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