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13 <br />' absent, to the Triangle Area RPO Transportation Planner. RTAC members are allowed to designate <br />• an alternate to attend meetings in their absence, providing such alternate member meets the same <br />membership requirements as the absent member. Should a member fail to attend, or make <br />an:angements for an alternate to attend, five (5) or more meetings in any one (1) fiscal year period <br />(July to June), the RTAC Chair shall contact said member to discuss consideration of a replacement <br />member for that unit of government or organization. <br />Section 5-Agenda: <br />The agenda is a list of considerations for discussion at a meeting. Any member of the RTAC can <br />place items on the agenda prior to its distribution, by notifying the RTAC Chair and/or the Triangle <br />Area RPO Transportation Planner. Additional items may be placed on the regular agenda at the <br />beginning of the RTAC meeting on the date of the meeting, if approved by a majority vote of the <br />present and eligible voting members. <br />Section 6-Voting Procedures: <br />A quorum is required for the transaction of all official business, including conducting hearings, or <br />for voting upon or otherwise transacting public business. A quorum consists of 51% of the <br />members of the RTAC or their designated alternates to ensure that a majority of the possible votes <br />are present. <br />The Chair may call for a vote on any issue, provided that it is seconded and within the purposes set <br />The Chair is permitted to vote. In the event of a tie, where the Chair has already voted, the Chair <br />cannot vote again to break the tie. In the event of a tie, the motion does not pass. Abstentions on <br />issues requiring a vote is permitted, provided members desiring to abstain, obtain approval by the <br />RTAC for said abstention by a majority vote of the RTAC members present and provide reasons for <br />the abstention as described by established procedures in the State of North Carolina. Any member <br />present and not voting shall be recorded as a positive vote on the motion. In the absence of any <br />direction from these By-Laws or other duly adopted voting procedures pursuant to certain approval <br />actions, Robert's Rules of Order will designate procedures governing voting. <br />forth in Article II and provided the issue is on the agenda as outlined in Section 5 of this article. <br />Each voting member of the RTAC shall have one (1) vote. A majority vote of the members (or their <br />authorized alternates) present and eligible to vote shall be sufficient for approval of matters coming <br />before the RTAC. <br />ARTICLE VI-AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS <br />Amendments to these By-Laws shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the RTAC's <br />eligible voting members, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment has been sent via <br />mail or email seven (7) days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered and <br />provided that such amendment does not conflict with the letter or fundamental intent of the <br />Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Triangle Area RPO, which is the governing <br />document for these By-Laws. In the event of any conflict, the MOU shall carry precedence over <br />• these By-Laws. <br />