2008-018 Planning - Triangle Rural Planning Org TARPO MOU
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General Contracts and Agreements
2008-018 Planning - Triangle Rural Planning Org TARPO MOU
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Last modified
10/8/2008 12:33:05 PM
Creation date
10/8/2008 12:33:04 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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12 <br />• With assistance from the Triangle J COG Transportation Planner, draft the meeting agendas <br />and make said available to the RTAC members in a timely manner. <br />2.2 The Vice-Chair shall conduct the duties of the Chair in the event of the Chair's absence. <br />2.3 The administrative coordination for the RTAC shall be performed by the Triangle J COG <br />Transportation Planner, as staff for the Triangle Area RPO. The Triangle Area RPO Transportation <br />Planner shall: <br />• Keep minutes of the RTAC meetings in proper form for the approval of the RTAC at its next <br />regular meeting. <br />• Send notices of regular meetings of the RTAC via mail or email, with a copy of the agenda, in <br />accordance with Article V of these rules. <br />• Give notice of special meetings called in accordance with North Carolina Open Meeting Laws. <br />• Maintain all files, records, and correspondence of the RTAC. <br />2.4 Should neither the Chair nor Vice-Chair be able to preside at a meeting, the RTAC shall appoint <br />a Chair Pro-Tem for that meeting or until such time as the Chair or Vice-Chair can resume their <br />responsibilities. <br />ARTICLE V-MEETINGS <br />Section 1-Regular Meetings: <br />The RTAC shall establish a regular meeting date and time and publish a schedule for each calendar <br />year. Meeting notice and agenda are to be sent via mail or email no later than seven (7) days prior <br />to a determined RTAC meeting date. <br />Section 2-Special Meetings: <br />Special meetings may be called by the Chair, or at the request of three (3) eligible voting members <br />of the RTAC petitioning the Chair. Notice of special meetings shall be given in accordance with <br />Open Meeting Laws of the North Carolina General Statues. <br />Section 3-Workshops: <br />The RTAC may choose to hold workshops from time to time. Notification of all workshops shall be <br />sent via mail or email to RTAC members in the same manner as regular meetings of the RTAC. <br />Section 4-Attendance: <br />~J <br />RTAC member are expected to attend each regular meeting and each special meeting of the RTAC. <br />If a RTAC member is unable to attend a meeting, notice should be given by the member to be <br />
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