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Commissioner Gordon asked if the interest rates were low enough now that the difference <br /> between issuing as alternative financing and General Obligation (GO) bonds is such that is is <br /> lower to do alternative financing. <br /> Gary Humphreys said that it depends on whether the banks still have the capacity to do <br /> this type of financing. He thinks that the alternative financing is cheaper than doing the GO <br /> debt. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> approve a reimbursement resolution, which is incorporated by reference, of capital expenses for <br /> Affordable Housing from the proceeds of a future financing; <br /> AND <br /> To approve a reimbursement resolution, which is incorporated by reference, of capital <br /> expenses for Parks and Open Space. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br /> approve a request for authority to issue the remaining unissued$1.4 million Affordable Housing <br /> 2001 voter approved bonds and$5.5 million Parks and Open Space unissued bonds as <br /> Alternative Financing rather than General Obligation bonds. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Orange County Fire Insurance District Boundary Maps <br /> The Board considered approving fire insurance district boundary maps in Orange County <br /> for twelve rural fire districts. <br /> Fire Marshal Mike Tapp introduced this item. He said that N.C. Department of Insurance <br /> has allowed fire insurance districts, for insurance purposes, to extend the boundaries from five <br /> miles to six miles, which would allow property owners who live between five and six road miles <br /> from their respective fire stations to go from a class 10 rating to a class 9 rating. This will <br /> reduce insurance premiums for fire protection. Staff is also asking the Board to approve the <br /> five-mile district insurance maps because they have changed partly due to annexations and <br /> inaccuracies in old maps. The maps have been reviewed by the N. C. Department of Insurance <br /> and approved. All of the districts are extending or requesting to extend the insurance maps, <br /> with the exception of two districts. East Alamance is under a contractual agreement with Efland <br /> to provide a service in the western part of the County. All of the properties within that area are <br /> within five road miles from the fire station. The Greater Chapel Hill Fire District has some <br /> remaining parcels left in it, which is covered by the Chapel Hill Fire Department and all of those <br /> properties are within five road miles of the fire station. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the maps and said that there are some <br /> properties that are fairly close to town, but outside the six-mile district. This is in the North <br /> Chatham district. Mike Tapp said that the maps for this district were obtained from Chatham <br /> County. <br /> The County Commissioners asked clarifying questions, which were answered by Mike <br /> Tapp. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that it would be helpful to him if the purpose statement of the <br /> agenda items reflected what the agenda items were really about. <br /> Mike Tapp said that the N. C. Department of Insurance has information on the website <br /> about insurance premium savings. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked the Clerk to make a note of this to put the information in the tax bills. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she would like information about mutual aid agreements <br /> and automatic aid agreements to be given to the Commissioners. <br />