Orange County NC Website
The Board considered authorizing the County Manager to execute a change order in the <br /> amount of$128,600 for the field lighting to be installed at Northern Park. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that he assumes that this lighting will be sensitive to the <br /> neighborhood. <br /> Parks and Recreation Director Lori Taft said that it is in compliance with regulations and <br /> it is very good technology. It will be tested before it is operated. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if there was any buffer planned. Lori Taft said that there is a large <br /> berm and a wall. There is a plan to have a buffer, but after the project is complete. Chair <br /> Jacobs suggested talking with the neighbors to make sure that there are no concerns that have <br /> not been addressed. <br /> A motion was made by Chair Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve <br /> authorizing the County Manager to execute a change order in the amount of$128,600 for the <br /> field lighting to be installed at Northern Park; and authorize the Manager to execute this and <br /> future change orders, as may be needed, to the extent of the capital project ordinance. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> H. Ratification of Grants Submittals to Golden LEAF Foundation and North <br /> Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund for the Piedmont Value-Added Shared-Use Food & <br /> Agricultural Processing Center <br /> The Board considered ratifying the August 1, 2008 submissions of grant proposals to <br /> the Golden LEAF Foundation and the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund for implementation of <br /> the November 2007 feasibility report for the Piedmont Value-Added Shared-Use Food & <br /> Agricultural Processing Center. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she is supportive of this grant, but she asked about the <br /> overall intent of what Orange County is going to request for reimbursement or if there are any <br /> commitments financially. <br /> Noah Rannells said that in the past the Board of County Commissioners has asked for <br /> an agreement on fiscal support to be worked out. One representative at least from the Board of <br /> County Commissioners of Orange, Chatham, Alamance, and Durham along with senior staff <br /> have met once since the last time this was brought before the Board, and that item is still being <br /> worked out. He said that, in the grant proposals, there is no commitment whatsoever on what <br /> reimbursement there might be to the County and how that is being worked out. Other counties <br /> are trying to do their best in providing in-kind services. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if there is any kind of agreement among the entities to <br /> cover what the grants will not cover. <br /> Noah Rannells said that discussions are continuing with the stakeholders and they are <br /> moving toward a 501(c) 3 non-profit, as the Board voted and approved this transition. As that <br /> occurs during the next 6-12 months, it will be identifying the costs that are needed to open the <br /> center and balancing those with the available funds. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the County is still waiting on Representative Price's help. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br /> approve ratifying the August 1, 2008 submissions of grant proposals to the Golden LEAF <br /> Foundation and the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund for implementation of the November <br /> 2007 feasibility report for the Piedmont Value-Added Shared-Use Food &Agricultural <br /> Processing Center. <br /> Noah Rannells made reference to item jj — Breeze Farm Grant, which was not pulled <br /> off the agenda, and said that Dr. Fletcher Barber asked that he invite the Board and the public <br /> to come next Tuesday to the open house for the Breeze Farm. The plan is to serve local food <br /> and apprentice farmers will be on-site. <br />