Agenda - 10-07-2008 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-07-2008
Agenda - 10-07-2008 - 7a
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4/23/2013 10:37:48 AM
Creation date
10/7/2008 12:22:34 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20081007
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Executive Summary <br />This examination of alternative waste processing technologies (VVPT) was undertaken <br />at the behest of the Orange County Board of Commissioners to explore and evaluate <br />alternatives bo landfill disposal of the County's municipal solid waste. The purpose oy <br />this vvhibo paper is to initiate that evaluation and brief the County's solid waste staff, <br />elected officials, Solid Waste Advisory Board, and citizens on state-of-the-art solid <br />waste processing technologies, emerging technologies and their applicability to the <br />County's needs, and the potential of these technologies to contribute to the County's <br />overall solid waste management system. <br />Orange County generated approximately 116,000 tons of waste in Pf2006-07, or <br />about 318 tons per day (TPD). Of that material, 52,900 tons or 173 TPD were <br />disposed of in landfills, and 29/700 tons or 24 percent was recycled. The County is <br />examining ways to achieve its goal of 61 percent waste reduction, up from their <br />current rate of 48 percent. The County's landfill is projected to dose in 2011' The <br />County has decided to manage its future waste using a transfer station and <br />contracting for disposal in an out-of-County landfill as well as examining the <br />feasibility of alternatives. <br />Traditional waste processing technologies now in operation have the potential of <br />managing most of the County's non-recycled waste. Generally, VVTE plants reduce <br />the processed waste tonnage by 75 percent and the volume by 90 percent. This <br />leaves residue, ash, which needs to be |andfi||ed in a permitted Subtitle D landfill. <br />In some states, ash may be used beneficially as alternative daily cover atlandfills. <br />Even at 75 percent reduction by weight, a VVTEfad||ty has a dramatic effect on the <br />amount ofresidual waste. <br />This report examines both proven and unproven waste processing technologies. <br />Table A-2 in the Appendices provides a comparison of these various technologies. <br />Waste-to-energy �VVT�� technologies profiled include: mass-burn/watenwa|| <br />' ' <br />combustion, mass-burn/modular combustion, re fu se- d eri ved fuel (RDF)/ded|cabed <br />boiler, and RDF/fluid bed. Although VVTE plants range in size from 10 to 3,000 TPD <br />in the U.S., 71 percent are 500 TPD or larger. Mass-burn/wabenwa|| combustion is <br />the most prevalent VVPT in the U.S., employed at 65 of the 89 facilities. However, <br />no new mass-burn VVTE facilities have been built in the U.S. for over ten years. Ten <br />VVTE facilities currently operate in the Mid-Atlantic States region, processing almost <br />12,000 TPD. In North Carolina, New Hanover County owns e SOO TPD plant that <br />produces electricity. In contrast to its smaller presence in the U.S., VVTE is an <br />accepted and cornrnmn|y used waste processing technology worldwide, with 400 <br />facilities in Europe, 100 in Japan, and 70 in other nations such as Taiwan, Singapore, <br />and China. <br />In addition to proven technologies, this report examines the emerging technologies <br />of high-temperature gasification, fluidized-bed combustion, plasma-arc processing, <br />non-thermal anaerobic digestion, and biological fuel production. Although technically <br />not an emerging technology, biological fuel production has not been cmrnnmmroia||y <br />proven using MBVVaaafeedstock. <br />The historical and current context for development and use of VVTE in the U.B. is <br />explored, with waste processing technologies currently receiving renewed interest <br />due to: the proven VVTE track record, increasing fossil fuel costs, growing interest in <br />renewable energy, a higher ranking in the EPA's waste management hierarchy, <br />GBB/C08027-01 ES-1 August 15, 2008 <br />
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