Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT 3 <br />~a <br />Road from Union Grove Church Road (SR 1111) to Old NC 86 to connect to <br />proposed bicycle facilities on Old NC 86 along Carrboro's ETJ. <br />2. SR 1005 (Old Greensboro Road) bicycle facility' Add 4-ft. paved shoulders on Old <br />Greensboro Road from Carrboro's ETJ to the Orange/Alamance County line. This <br />route is the number 3 primary priority of the Orange County Bicycle Transportation <br />Plan, and would enhance bicycle transportation between southwestern Orange <br />County and Carrboro/Chapel Hill. This project is a segment of the Mountains to Sea <br />Bicycle Route. <br />3. Oran a Grove Road/Dodson's Crossroad bic cle lanes; construct 4-ft. aved <br />shoulders along Orange Grove Road (SR 1000) from Interstate 40 to Dodson's <br />Crossroads (SR 1102) and along Dodson's Crossroads to Dairyland Road (SR <br />1177. This route would provide bicycle lanes to the Grady Brown Elementary <br />School and Cedar Ridge High School from the area south of the schools and <br />connect to a proposed bicycle facility on Orange Grove Road into Hillsborough. <br />Orange County has received a Safe Routes to School Action Plan Service <br />Award to develop a plan to make walking and bicycling to Grady Brown <br />Elementary School safer and more appealing. <br />Transit Projects . <br />1. Park and Ride Lot in the Buckhorn Economic Development District: Orange County <br />requests funding for a park and ride facility (from the adopted Orange County <br />Economic Development District Design Manual) to be located in the I-85/Buckhorn <br />Road Economic Development District. This project would provide an opportunity for <br />coordination of public transportation efforts between two growing regions in North <br />Carolina, the Triad and Triangle. <br />Highway Projects <br />1. SR 1114 (Buckhorn Road) Widening: Widen Buckhorn Road from US 70 to West <br />Ten Road (SR 1144) to a multi-lanes with bicycle and pedestrian facilities. This <br />stretch of roadway borders the western boundary. of the I-85/Buckhorn Road <br />Economic Development District EDD). This area is the focus of a growing problem <br />of traffic backing up on the northbound exit ramps of I-85 caused by northbound <br />traffic exiting I-85 onto southbound Buckhorn Road and turning left into a <br />nonconforming business use just south of the interchange. Orange County has <br />extended water and sewer to this area to serve the Gravelly Hill Middle School on <br />West Ten Road and to increase the attractiveness. of the Economic Development <br />District. Improvements to the transportation system to support plans for that district <br />are necessary to attract the desired development, which is expected to increase . <br />pedestrian travel in this corridor. The Gravelly Hill Middle School and soccer fields <br />on the north side of West Ten Road will also increase traffic on this segment of <br />Buckhorn Road. <br />2, US 70 East: Construcfi connection from US 70 eastbound in Efland to the Interstate <br />85-US 70 Connector. Traffic has increased through norkhwestern Orange County <br />on Efland Cedar Grove Road as an alternative to NC 86. Much of that traffic "dog- <br />legs" through Efland via Forrest Avenue to Mt. Willing Road to access Interstate 85. <br />Mt. Willing Road provides an at grade crossing of the North Carolina Railroad <br />corridor, the only access across the railroad tracks between Hillsborough and <br />