Agenda - 10-07-2008 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-07-2008
Agenda - 10-07-2008 - 6a
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Last modified
4/23/2013 10:36:49 AM
Creation date
10/7/2008 11:58:26 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20081007
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2008
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I <br />courses as follows: S87 °13'11 "W. 1038.93 feet to an existing iron pin and <br />S08 042'25 "E. 214.12 feet to an existing iron pin; thence with the north line of <br />now or formerly D H Doby S84 °33'36 "W. 210.04 feet to an existing iron pin; <br />thence with the north and west lines of now or formerly N Thomasson along 2 <br />courses as follows: S84 °40'11 "W. 209.89 feet to an existing iron pin and <br />S08 058'20 "E. 691.72 feet to an existing iron pin: thence with the west line of now <br />or formerly F Kirkpatrick S08 °43'33 "E. 300.66 feet to an existing iron pin; <br />thence with the north and west lines of now or formerly N Thomasson along 3 <br />courses as follows: S87 046'31 "W. 253.89 feet to an existing iron pin , <br />SO4 057'07 "E. 301.62 feet to an existing iron pin, and SO4 °57'07 "E. 25.31 feet to a <br />point in the centerline of West Ten Road ( SR 1144); thence with the centerline of <br />West Ten Road ( SR 1144) along 6 courses as follows: 5.88 037'49 "W. 260.79 <br />feet to a point, 5.89 °38'18 "W. 485.65 feet to a point, N.87 °44'05 "W. 130.27 feet <br />to a point N.82 °29' 51 "W. 228.74 feet to a point, N78° 12' 51 "W. 95.94 feet to a <br />point and N.77 °09'29 "W. 114.27 feet to a point at the intersection of the <br />centerline of West Ten Road ( SR 1144) and the centerline of Buckhorn Road ( <br />SR 1114), the POINT OF BEGINNING and being the major portion of property <br />of Orange County Investors as described in Deed Book 475 Page 583 and Deed <br />Book 4126 page 223 containing approximately 128.05 acres as shown on survey <br />entitled "Re- zoning Description Plat, 128.05 Acres Total, Property Surveyed For <br />Orange County Investors" dated January 04, 2008, preliminary plat by William <br />H. McCarthy, Jr. PLS, Summit Consulting Project 07 -390E to which plat <br />reference is hereby made for a more particular description of same. Bearings used <br />in this description are based on NC Grid NAD 83/07. <br />Tract 3 -R 0.49 Acres PIN 9834 -36 -4225 <br />BEGINNING at a point having NC Grid Coordinates N. 846,393.224 feet, E. <br />1,933,838.722 feet ( NAD 83/07) in the east right of way line of Buckhorn Road <br />(SR 1114) in the south line of Orange County Investors (see Tract 1 as shown on <br />plat entitled "Property Surveyed For Orange County Investors" Plat Book 39 page <br />109 and Deed Book 475 page 583 Orange County Registry) and said point being <br />the northwest corner of that portion of Tract 1, as shown on plat entitled "Final <br />Plat Division of Bertha Foust Estate" Plat Book 75 page 44 Orange County <br />Registry, lying on the east side of Buckhorn Road (SR 1114) and running thence <br />with the south and west lines of Orange County Investors (see Tract 1 as shown <br />on plat entitled "Property Surveyed For Orange County Investors" Plat Book 39 <br />page 109 and Deed Book 475 page 583 Orange County Registry) along 2 courses <br />as follows: 5.82 °26'36 "E. 86.56 feet to an existing iron pin and 5.07 °47'11 "E. <br />179.59 feet to an existing iron pin at the northeast corner of Phyllis Foust ( see <br />Plat Book 5 page 22, part of tract 6 and Deed Book 932 page 60 Orange County <br />Registry); thence along and with Foust's north line N.85 °26'33 "W. 151.90 feet to <br />a point in the east right of way line of Buckhorn Road (SR 1114): thence along <br />and with the east right of way line of Buckhom Road (SR 1114) N. 13'06'44"E. <br />181.99 feet to a point, the place and POINT OF BEGINNING, and being all of <br />that portion of Tract 1, as shown on plat entitled "Final Plat Division of Bertha <br />
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