Agenda - 10-07-2008 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-07-2008
Agenda - 10-07-2008 - 6a
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Last modified
4/23/2013 10:36:49 AM
Creation date
10/7/2008 11:58:26 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20081007
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VOA <br />1. A one hundred ten (110). acre tract of land identified as 508 Buckhom Road (TMBL <br />3.28..20 / PIN 9834 - 561587), <br />2. A seventeen (17) acre tract of land also identified as 508 Buckhorn Road (TMBL <br />3.28..20C / PIN 9834 -47- 5147), <br />3. A one (1) acre parcel of property that is located west of the two (2) previously identified <br />properties, listed as 527 Buckhorn Road (TMBL 3.28..13 / PIN 9834 -36- 4223), and <br />4. A two (2) acre parcel of property along West Ten Road, adjacent to the previously <br />identified one hundred ten (110) acre tract of land (TMBL 3.28..57C / PIN 9834 -54- <br />1735) <br />These parcels shall be referred to herein collectively as the "Property" or "property". The <br />property is further identified by the following legal description: <br />Tracks 1 and 2 (128.05 Acres total) PIN 9834 -56 -1587 / 9834 -47 -5147 <br />BEGINNING at a point at the intersection of the centerline of West Ten Road ( <br />SR 1144) and the centerline of Buckhorn Road ( SR 1114), said point having NC <br />Grid Coordinates N. 844646.257 feet, E. 1933702.566 feet (NAD 83/07), and <br />running thence with the centerline .of Buckhorn Road ( SR 1114) along 4 courses <br />as follows: N.10 °24'43 "W. 132.35 feet to a point, N.02 °43'30 "W. 105.50 feet to a <br />point, N.00 °36'24 "E. 326.95 feet to a point and N.00 °53'28 "E. 384.62 feet to a <br />point; thence with the lines of now or formerly Naola Fearrington, Maggie <br />Murphy, Joe Fearrington, Phyllis Foust and Jasper Foust along 8 courses as <br />follows: N.89 °01'28 "E. 346.54 feet to an existing iron pin, N07 °25'56 "W. 65.11 <br />feet to an existing iron pin, N07 °40'27 "W. 65.04 feet to an existing iron pin, <br />N07 037'42 "W. 80.48 feet to an existing iron pin, N07 °32'31 "W. 185.11 feet to an <br />existing iron pin, N07 °40'25 "W. 214.32 feet to an existing iron pin, <br />N07047'1 1"W. 179.59 feet to an existing iron pin, and N80 °50'40 "W. 116.23 feet <br />to point in the centerline of Buckhorn Road ( SR 1114); thence with the <br />centerline of Buckhorn Road ( SR 1114) along 4 courses as follows: <br />N12 052'50 "E. 63.86 feet to point, N10 043'08 "E. 183.67 feet to point, <br />N04 014'02 "W. 227.56 feet to point and N10 0.55'43 "W. 300.03 feet to point; <br />thence with Venture Capital Group along 2 courses as follows: N84 °14'06 "E. <br />28.44 feet to point and a curve to the left having a radius of 997.69 feet, an arc <br />length of 717.82 feet ( chord bearing and distance N50 °45' 16 "E 702.44 feet) to a <br />point in the south right of way line of Interstate Highway I -85; thence with the <br />south right of way line of Interstate Highway I -85 along 8 courses as follows: a <br />curve to the right having a radius of 1352.38 feet, an are length of 386.20 feet ( <br />chord bearing and distance N87 °13'25 "E 384.89 feet) to a point, S81 °54'34 "E. <br />194.37 feet to point, S79 °13' 14 "E. 177.50 feet to point, S79 °13' 14 "E. 72.57 feet <br />to point, S80 °35'43 "E. 949.99 feet to point, N77 °38'08 "E. 53.94 feet to a point, <br />S81 000'51 "E. 133.85 feet to an existing iron pin and, S80 046'20 "E. 22.51 feet to <br />an existing iron pin; thence with the west line of now or formerly Don Collins <br />S08 042'04 "E. 1209.06 feet an existing iron pin; thence with the . lines of <br />"Clearview Subdivision (Plat Book 71 page 146) lots 24,23 and E -23 along 2 <br />
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