Orange County NC Website
Condition 'U' <br />The applicant will develop the various site plans in accordance with the LEED standards <br />list. <br />DISCUSSION (See applicant letter of conditions in Attachment 3(d)) <br />Condition 'P'ā€” Open Space Perimeter Buffers <br />The applicant and administration believe that the design solution as noted in the various <br />buffer plan and cross-section views will provide an equal or better alternative to the EDD <br />manual (page 3.2.7). 25% visibility breaks without landscaping are permitted by the EDD <br />manual and the applicant has agreed to retain mature trees on 50% of the buffer and <br />replant the other 50% with native, drought tolerant and aquatic landscaping albeit at a <br />lower level thereby creating visibility. <br />Condition 'Sā€” Drive-thrus <br />Administration believes limiting a 128 acre site to 5 drive-thrus is reasonable if 10% on- <br />site parking is removed, additional land intensive landscaping is added to the area, land <br />uses restricted to maximum 2 for restaurant(s) and increase setback to 100 feet from <br />public roadways. <br />Since the application includes both a legislative rezoning component, as well as a quasi-judicial <br />SUP component, all of the information submitted (application and attachments), public <br />hearing(s) comments, sworn testimony (SUP), comments (rezoning), responses, and minutes <br />are organized within a large 3" white binder with blue cover distributed for the June 3 Board of <br />County Commissioners meeting. This document has also been amended to include Planning <br />Board, staff, consultant, and applicant activity subsequent to that meeting. <br />REVIEW PROCESS: A PD/SUP project is processed in a combined 2-part process. With <br />these types of projects the BOCC will be required to: <br />(Timeframe): <br />Review and deliberate on September 16, 2008. <br />Take action on October 7, 2008: <br />1. Rezoning: <br />From: 1-85/Buckhorn 'Road Economic Development (ED) District and/or Rural <br />Residential One (R-1) <br />To: Buckhorn Village Planned Development Economic Development District <br />(BVPD-ED). <br />Action on approving or denying the rezoning application is considered to be a <br />Legislative decision made in, accordance with the provisions of Articles Seven (7) <br />and Twenty (20) of the Zoning Ordinance. <br />2.. If the application to rezone the properties is approved, the BOCC will then take action <br />on the PD/SUP application proposing the development of the property as a master <br />planned mixed-use commercial site. <br />