Orange County NC Website
IWI <br />Foust Estate" Plat Book 75 page 44 Orange County Registry, lying on the east <br />side of Buckhorn Road (SR 11 14) containing 0.49 acres more or less, designated <br />as Tract 3 -R on plat entitled "Re- zoning Description Plat, 2.49 Acres Total, <br />Property Surveyed For Buckhorn Road Associates, LLC" dated February 11, <br />2008, preliminary plat by William H. McCarthy, Jr. PLS, Summit Consulting <br />Project 07 -390E to which plat reference is hereby made for a more particular <br />description of same. Bearings used in this description are based on NC Grid NAD <br />83/07. <br />Tract 4-112.00 Acres PIN 9834 -54 -1735 <br />BEGINNING at a point having NC Grid Coordinates N. 844,586.556 feet, E. <br />1,935,288.799 feet ( NAD 83/07) in the center of West Ten Road (SR 1144) at the <br />southwest corner of Nellie Hatch Thomasson and husband Carl E. Thomasson <br />(see Tract 3 Deed Book 2049 page 227 Orange County Registry), said point <br />being shown as the southeast corner of Tract 1 Plat Book 39 page 109 Orange <br />County Registry, and running thence with the centerline of West Ten Road (SR <br />1144) along 2 courses as follows: 5.86 °17'47 "W. 101.04 feet to a point and <br />5.88 027'06 "W. 176.82 feet to a point in the center of a Public Service Company <br />of North Carolina Gas Easement; thence with the center of said easement along 3 <br />courses as follows: N.04 °57'07 "W. 0.29 feet to a point, N.04 °57'07 "W. 25.31 feet <br />to an existing iron pin, and N.04 °57'07 "W. 301.62 feet to an existing iron pin; <br />thence 5.87 °46'31 "E. 253.89 feet to an existing iron pin in the west line of Faye <br />Ann Simmons Kirkpatrick (see Deed Book 3676 page 255 Orange County <br />Registry) ; thence along and with the west lines of Faye Ann Simmons <br />Kirkpatrick (see Deed Book 3676 page 255 Orange County Registry) and Nellie <br />Hatch Thomasson and husband Carl E. Thomasson (see Tract 3 Deed Book 2049 <br />page 227 Orange County Registry) 5.09 °07'25 "E. 328.71 feet to a point in the <br />center of West Ten Road (SR 1144), the place and POINT OF BEGINNING, and <br />being all Tract 4 -R containing 2.00 Acres more or less as shown on plat entitled <br />"Re- zoning Description Plat, 2.49 Acres Total, Property Surveyed For Buckhorn <br />Road Associates, LLC" dated February 11, 2008, preliminary plat by William H. <br />McCarthy, Jr. PLS, Summit Consulting Project 07 -390E to which plat reference is <br />hereby made for a more particular description of same. Bearings used in this <br />description are based on NC Grid NAD 83/07. <br />In accordance with the Ordinance, the Board hereby makes the following findings as to the <br />appropriateness of the Application: <br />1. That the Application is complete in accordance with the submittal requirements detailed <br />within Article Twenty (20) of the Ordinance, specifically Section 20.3.2; <br />2. That pursuant to Section 20.3.2 (e) of the Ordinance, the Board finds that the Application <br />will carry out the intent and purpose of the adopted Comprehensive Plan or part thereof <br />including, but not limited to, the following: <br />a. The goals, policies, and objectives as detailed within the adopted Orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan including, but not limited to: <br />