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Attachment 4 <br />~a <br />Steps in Update Process and Potential Timeline <br />Updating the student generation rates to the levels determined by this recent <br />study would affect the CAPS (Certificate of Adequate Public Schools) system <br />that is part of the SAPFO (Schools ,Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance) <br />process. Per Section 1.d of the SAPFO Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), <br />the BOCC <br />"may change the projected student membership growth rate, the <br />methodology used to determine this rate, or the student generation <br />rate if the Board concludes that such a change is necessary to <br />predict growth more accurately. Before making any such change, <br />the Board shall receive and consider the recommendation of a staff <br />committee consisting of the planning directors of the Town(s) and <br />the County and a representative of the School District appointed by <br />the Superintendent." <br />Staff note: the staff committee referred to above is the SAPFOTAC (Schools <br />Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance technical Advisory Committee). <br />Additionally, the BOCC "shall provide an opportunity for those governing Boards <br />to comment on the recommendation." Finally, the BOCC shall inform the other <br />parties to the MOU "prior to February 1St in any year in which such change is <br />intended to become effective what change was made and why it was necessary." <br />Although related, SAPFO and the student generation rates used in SAPFO <br />processes are separate issues from the Educational Facilities Impact Fee <br />Ordinance. <br />Updating the Education Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance (EFIFO) would require <br />that proposed amendments be brought forward for adoption consideration at a <br />later date. Finalization of the draft technical reports needs to occur prior to any <br />amendments to the EFIFO. <br />As was done when the impact fees were updated in 2001 (adopted at 56% of the <br />Maximum Supportable Impact Fee [MSIF] in OCS and 60% MSIF in CHCCS), <br />the BOCC has the discretion to adopt fee levels at less than 100% of the <br />Maximum Supportable Impact Fee. <br />The following progression illustrates the potential steps in the process of <br />finalizing the draft technical reports, and updating the student generation rates <br />and Educational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance: <br />