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y <br />§ 24.3 The Architect stall advise the Owner of any adjustments to previous praDmtnary estimates of Constnretion <br />Cost indicated by changes in regairemeuts or general marktt conditions. <br />§ 24.4 The Architect shall assist the Owner in cormection with the Owner's rtsponsfbrlity for filing documents <br />required for the approval of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. <br />§ 2.5 B®DRIG OR NEGOTIATION PHASE <br />The Architect. foAowing the Owner's approval of the Constroction Docamenta end of the latest preDminery estimate <br />of Coast<uction Cost, shall assist the Owtrer in obtaining bids or negotiated proposals and assist in awarding sad <br />Preparing contracts for construction. . <br />§ 26 CONSTRt1CT10N PHASE~4DNpNlSTRATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT <br />§ 26,1 The Architect's responsibility to provide Basic Services for the Corrstrnction Phase under this Agreemeat <br />commences with the award of the initial Contract for Construction and terminatz's at the earlier of the issuance to the <br />Owner of the $tial l:ertigr~te for Payment or 60 days after the date of Substantial Completion of the Work. <br />§ 2.6.2 The Architect shall provide administration of the Contract far Construcdoa es set forth below and in the edition <br />of AlA Document A2Q i, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, aurnent as of the data of this <br />Agreement, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement. Modifications made to the General Coadidons, when <br />adopted as part of the Contract Documents, shall be enforceable under this Agmement only to the extent that they are <br />consistent whir this Agreemeat or approved is writing by the Architect. <br />§ 2.6.3 Duties, responsr'bilities and limitations of authority of fire Architect wader Phis Section 2.6 shall notbe <br />restricted, modified or extended without written agreement of fire Owner and Architect with eonsertt of the Contractor, <br />which consent will not be anreasonabiy withheld <br />§ 2.6.4 'l he Architect shall be a represcrttativa of and shall advise sad consult with the Owner during tiro <br />ad~rtistration of the Contract fox Construction. The Axehittxt shall have authority to act on behalf of the Owner only <br />to the eataotprovided in this Agreemett unless otherwise modified by wrtttcn amendmerif. <br />§ 2.6.5 The Archited, as a representative of the Owner, shall visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of the <br />Contractor's operations, or u otberwise agreed by the Owner sod the Architect in Article 32, (1) bo become generally <br />familiar with and to keep the Owner infa~ed stoat the progress and quality of the portion of the Work completed, {2) <br />be endeavor to g9aid the Owner against dafect$ and deficiencies in the Work, and {3) to dtsterrttiae is general if the <br />Work is being performed is a manner indicating that the Work, when fully completed, will' be in aocardance whir fire <br />Contract Documents. However, the Architect shall not be requhtd to mate exhaustive or condnuoua on-site <br />inspections to check die quality or gtrandty of the Work. The Architect shall aeither have control over or charge of, nor <br />be responst'bla for, tba construcNan meals, methods, techtrigriea, sequences or procedures, or for safety precantians <br />and programs in connection with the Work, since these are solely the Contractor's rights and responsibDities under the <br />Contract Documents. <br />§ 2.8.6 The Architect shall report !n the Owner known dmriations from the Contract Documents and from the most <br />rrcent construction schedule submitted by the Contradar. However, the Architect shall trot ba responsible for the <br />Contractor's failure to perform the Work in accor'danoo with the requfremetits of the Contract Documents. The <br />Architect shall be responsible for fire Architect's negligent acts or omissions, but shall not have control over or charge <br />of a>Yi shaIl not be responsible for ads or omissions of the Coatractor, Subcontractors, or their agents or employees, ar <br />of a~ other parsons or entities performing portions of the Work. <br />§ 28.7 Tha Architect shall at all times have access to the Work wherever it is in preparation or progress. <br />§ 2,8.8 l3xeept as otirerwisa provided in this Agreement or whoa direct cammunicatioas have bees specially <br />autho~.ed, the Owner shall endeavor Oo ooinmunicate widr the Cantracbar through the Architect about matters arising <br />out of ar r~elatirig to the Contract Documents. Communications by and with the Architect's consultants shall be <br />through the Architect. <br />AIA aooreiront B1b1TM -1997. l:opyrSgM ®1974,1978,19a7 and 1997 by The Amerk«in hutltute of Architects. All rig)rta reserved WARNING: 'f1,ls AIA° <br />trt~ aocument Is protested by U.3. Copyright taw and Internatianai Treaties. Uneuthorired reproduction or dlstrlbrrtlon o! this AlA° aooumsnt, of any ~ <br />par(ton of 11, may result In severe oivti sad cHmlrW petwrttee, and will 6e prosaetAed to the madmum extant possible under the law. 7h1s document was <br />/ dtroed by ~ safh>rera a< 12:13:11 on 09l18l2D06 under Order Na1000366709_7 which w~iroa on d8r2909, and Is not tw resale. <br />Usx Notes: 11265414049) <br />