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17 <br />~'o be determined if reauastcd. <br />i unon the Architect's Standard Ratio Sheet, attached or mutaally at*~_avon stipulated <br />§ tt 3,.3 Por Additional Services of Consultants, including additional sttncnual, tnecltattical and elex;trical engineering <br />services and those provided under Section 3.4.19 or iden#iSad in Article iz as part of Additional Services, a multiple <br />of One and,two-tantha (1.20 ) times the amouota tidied to the A-rhitect for sack serv3eea. <br />For Reimban;able EapCaaas, e8 desctlbcd in Secdon LQ.2, and any other items included in Artlcla 12 as Reimbursable <br />Expenses, a multiple of One and two-ninths (,~.1~, times the expenses incased by the Architect, the Amltitect's <br />employees and consaltanfs directly related to the Project. <br />PAGE 14 <br />§ 115.1 If the Basic Services covered by this Agroetnent have not been cotttpletcd within Twelve (.~ months of <br />the da6a hemof, through no fault of the Architect, extonsion of the Architect's services beyond that time shall be <br />coropensatad as provided is Sections 10.3,3 and 11.3,2, <br />g 11.5.2 Payments are doe and payable ~( 30 days from the data of the Architect's invoice. Amoants un~d <br />Ste( 6QJ days after the invoice date shall bear inLoneat at the rate entered below, or in the absence thereof at the <br />legal rate prevailing from time to time at the principal place of business of the Atnhiteck <br />See attached Article 12. <br />Glenn John~n Wsra. AIA. Manatt'?no Pt9ncloal <br />AddlUoere and Peletlons Report for AUI Doorrrnent Btai ~ -19Y7. Copyrtyht ®1574, 1578,1 SB7 and 1 aS7 bf' The American lne8ute d ArohMeds. Ali rights <br />reserve+ WARNtNQ: Thla AiAA Document !s protected by U~. Copyright taw and tnternellorwl 7reatlea, unauthorized reprostuotton ar dietrtbutbn of 2 <br />nits AIA Doeumen4 or any portion of it, may result In severe dull and orimtnal penaales, ~d will iw prosecuted to ttw maximum Pxtenl possible under <br />the Iaw.7his document Was produced byAW saflorere at 12:13.'11 on 09118/2006 wrier Order No.i 000358708 1 which explra an B18f1D05, and b not for resale. <br />User Notss: (120541 X0431 <br />