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io <br />ARTICLE 6 USE OF ARCHRECT'S INSTRU~FJdTS OF 5ERVICE <br />§ 6.1 Drawings, specifications and other docameats, including those in e]etxrarac form, prepared by the Architect and <br />the Architect's coasoltants are Instrurrrenta of Service for use solely with respect to this Projeck The Architect and the <br />Architect's con~ltants shalt be deelncd the authors and owners of their respective Instrutnants of Service and shall <br />retain all common la~v, swnrnory and other resfxved rights, including copyrights. <br />§ 63 Upon execution of this Agreement, the Architect grants 1p the Owner a.nonezcluaive license to reproduce the <br />Architect's Instmments of Service solely for purposes of txmstracting, acing and maintaining the Project, provide$ <br />that the Owner shall' comply with all obligations, ineItrdtng prompt payment of all sums when due, tinder this <br />Agreement. The Architect shall obtain similar nanexcloatve licenses from the Architect's consultants censistent with <br />dris Agreement. Any t$~nation of this Agreement prior to comptation of the Project shall terminate this license. <br />Upon such termination, the Owner shall refrain from making further reproductions of Fnstruments of Service and stall <br />rtxwn to the Architect within seven days of termination all originals and neproductiona in the Owner's possession or <br />control If end upon the date the Architect is adjudged in default of this Agreement, the foregoing license shad be <br />deemed terminated and replsord by a aecoad, nonexclusive license petmittir4g the Owner to anthoaze other similarly <br />credentialed design pmfesttionaIs bo reproduce and, where permitted by law, to melts changes, oorrectiona or additions <br />to the Instt cements of Service eolety for purposrs of completing, using and maintaining the Projeak <br />§ $.3 t3zoept for the licenses granted In Section 6.2, no other license or right shall be deemed greeted or implied under <br />ttris Agreement The Owner shall not assign, delegate, subficensa, Hodge or otherwise h~ansfer any license granted <br />herein to another party without lire prior writoen agreement of the Arohiteck I3awever, the Owner shalt be permiEted 60 <br />authorize the Contractor, Snbcorrtracoara, Sub-subcontractors and ma0eriel or equipment suppliers to reproduce <br />applicahte port3ona of the Tnstramer-ks of Service appropriate bo and fur use in their execution of fire Work by license <br />granted igSection 6.2. Submission or distabution of Instruments of Sen+Ice to meet ofRcial regulatory regnirernants or <br />far simt7ar purposes in com>ection with the Projecx is not to be construed as gnblication in derogation of the reserved <br />rights of the Architect and the Architect's consultants. The Owner shall not use the Instruments of Stmice for future <br />additions or alterations bo this Pmjt:ct or for other puojects, finless the Owner obtains the prior written agreement of the <br />Architect and the Architect'a consultants. Any naaathorized use of the lnstrvmems of Service shall be at the Owner's <br />sole risk and without liabr"lity to the Architect and the Ar+chitect's consultants. <br />§ 6.4 Prior to the Arrbitcct providing m the Owner any lnstzumauts of Service in elecu+onic form or the Owner <br />providing m the Architect any electronic data for irtearporation into the ]natmments of Service, the Owner and the <br />Architect shall by separate written agreement sat forth the specific wnditions gweming the format of each <br />Instrnmenta of Service or elactrotdc data, including any special limitations or Iii not atherwiae provided in this <br />Agreemenk <br />ARTICLE 7 DISPUTE RESOLUTION <br />§ 7.1 MEDIATION <br />§ 7.1.1 Any claim, dispute or other matter in quesflon arising out of ar related ~ this Agreement shall be subject to <br />mediation se a condition precedent to arbitration or the institution of legal or equitable proceedings by either party. Ig <br />such matter relates to or is the subject of a lien at~sLrg out of the Architect's servioea, the Architect may pror:oed in <br />accordance with applicable law bo comply with the lien notice or filing deadlines prior to resolution of the matter by <br />mediation or by arbitration. <br />§ 7.1.2 The Owner and Architect shall endeavor to resolve claims, disputes and other matters in question iretween <br />thaw by mediation which,lmless the parties matnally agree otherwise, shall be is accordance with the Constnrction <br />Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association currently in effeck ttequest fur mediation aha11 be <br />filed in writing with the other party to this Agreenurnt and with the American Arbitration Association. The regacst <br />maybe made concurrently with lira filing of a demand for arbitration but, in such event, mediation shall proceed in <br />advance of arbitration or lager or equitable pmeeoc(Ings, which shaIl be stayed pending mediation for a period of 60 <br />days from the date of filing, unless stayed for a longer p¢iod by agreeinerrt of the parties or court order, <br />§ 7.1.8 The parties shalt share the mediator's fee and any filing fats equally, The mediation shall be ]raid in the place <br />where the Project is located, unless another location is mutually agreed upon. Agreements reached in mediation shall <br />be enforcxable as settlement agreements in any court having jurisdictiaal th+areof: <br />tnh. AIA Pooumat+t 87 51~ -.7997. Copyrlphl O 1974,187x, 1897 and 1887 by The Mierfaan InalaWe of Arohltecis. All rights reaerved,oWARNINa: Tlda AlA° <br />Doewnanl la protacled try U.S. Copyright taw and lydNnaxolud Treeika. Unaulherlxad raprodUNfon of dfaMlbudon of thlR AlA Qooument, ar any <br />porllon of It, may result fn severe olva end erltn[nsf peneltles, and will he prosecuted to the maximum etttehl posax>la under tl» iaw.llda document was <br />prods Nged~AlA eoflwwo at 12t3:t 1 on 09I18!1DOB under Order Na1t1(W3567e9 r wldoh exptres on 6/B/20ftB, and is not for resale. <br />UUaaesrr (120541404x} <br />