Orange County NC Website
Susan Martin 223 -Line cuts property in half. Most of house is in orange. Kids stay in School. Who decides when split. <br />John Smith states that they would decide with the homeowner. Leave us alone. (Most Likely Household would stay in <br />Alamance, but property split.) <br />Wendy Nelms 221- Leave us alone. <br />toe Stuart 367 -MILL CREEK in Alamance now would be changed. The Plat is off for those three homes. Surveyor was <br />off. Stay in Alamance & do not want grandfather clause either because he wants to stay. Mebane approved plat. <br />Michael Madden 368 -MILL CREEK Family 150 years. Came back to Alamance County. Wife is school teacher. Line <br />through property and is deeded in both counties. One of three in Mill Creek. Would have to move. Money? Why are <br />we here? Plat line is wrong. Mebane Checked? Want to stay. Honor what you have told me (Mebane and Surveyor <br />told him?). <br />3 THESE PEOPLE SPOKE ABOUT STAYING IN ALAMANCE -THEY WOULD NOT BE AFFECTED IN ANY WAY (PROPERTY <br />OR HOUSEHOLD) lF THE NCGS 1849 LINE 1S ADOPTED. <br />Kevin Moss 234 -Chestnut Oak Dr. Phones as a question? <br />Peter Childers 406 -Morrow Mill Rd. 2002 court case. 1996 when moved in. 3 years research. Good Information. <br />Aggressive county was Orange. Drunken Assessors. Confusing now but if you meander then even worse. Could have <br />been fixed 15 years ago. Grandfathers for people with fixed incomes, or schools. Grandfather in (Everything). Use <br />Historical Line. 563-8812 <br />Donna Lawson 248 -Mebane Oaks Rd. <br />Janet Labrim -263 -Just moved in Alamance County. County was primary issue for them as well. <br />Jim & Barbara Rice 407 -Morrow Mill Rd. Thinks he is OK, but don't disrupt our lives. Let people stay where they are. <br />Margaret Cooper 283 -Left hand side of N Ninth St. "Always said the street (N Ninth St) is the dividing line:' "Glad to <br />lay her head in Alamance County!" <br />38. THESE PEOPLE SPOKE ABOUT STAYING IN ALAMANCE -THEIR HOUSEHOLD WOULD STAY IN ALAMANCE BUT <br />SOME OF THEIR PROPERTY WOULD BE SPLIT AND BE IN' BOTH COUNTIES lF THE NCGS 1849 LINE lS ADOPTED. <br />Todd Fogelman 388 -Whole family here. School Issue. Stay in Alamance County. 18 years. Property is split and new. <br />Field Check. <br />John Good (Son came day before) 372 -Bought Farm for Family same schools. Wants to stay the same. Field Check. <br />Teresa Wilson 229 -She was told Mebane Oaks Rd. Use Mebane Oaks Rd. Field Check. <br />James Don Windsor 277 & 278 -Most of two properties both would stay in Alamance. House not affected byline <br />change. "Who's pushing the button here?" Crooked Line Drunk Surveyors. Use the Line for New Development Only. <br />4. THESE PEOPLE WOULD BE MOVED TO ALAMANCE -THEY WOULD WELCOME THE CHANGE IF THE NCGS 1849 LINE <br />IS ADOPTED. <br />Marjorie Watkins 18 - In Orange (WANTS TO SWITCH BACK TO ALAMANCE) -Was told with a slip on that door she was <br />changed. She would Change and be happy. Delay in emergency services. She was moved against her will. Would be <br />glad to change counties. <br />