Orange County NC Website
Attachment „~„~, <br />Public Hearings Overview & Notes (work in process) <br />Observations: <br />~ Roughly 160 people showed up, 125 first day 50 the second day with about 15 people coming both days. <br />1 THESE PEOPLE SPOKE ABOUT STAYING 1N ALAMANCE -THEY WERE PART OF THE N NINTH STREET GROUP. AND <br />THEY WDULD BE MOVED IF THE NCGS 1849 LINE IS ADOPTED, <br />Tim Bradley 352 -City Councilman -Came both days. 1980 built house told not in Orange. Consider Service, Suggests <br />parcel lines as county line, no grandfather clause because of broken promises when local government turns over. Says <br />State won't stand by what they say. (They have in court) Follow time honored agreements. They let Mill Creek be <br />approved without checking to see if it is right. Eminent Domain? Recommend that the Line follow agreements last <br />number of years. 1960s 1900s agreements? <br />Ann Robins 333 -Letter. Came to both meetings. Can't pay any more taxes. Petition people, they did not know about <br />the issue? Everybody polled stated that they were in Alamance except one woman. Had to pay to have her kids in <br />Alamance. 1977 Orange County let them into Alamance. Started 1978. 1948 Tax maps show line where they think it <br />is. All about money. Quotes from Commissioners. "Please consider moving the line, or leave us as we are:' 15 year <br />old and 4 year old for schools? How they came up with line. Petition? People said they were in Alamance County. Not <br />Consistent. Son had trouble, when they went to both counties. <br />Janet Evens 336 -Came both days.. We are in Mebane city limits? Rescue had to wait. Buses. Disability. DSS Medicaid <br />Too Emotional an issue..Husband Died. We are destroying everything. Leave us alone. Delay from one county to <br />another? DSS Services Transition? Poor. <br />Todd Bradley 353 -Split Property. Problem allowed by the government. Least Impact because. "Who is going to pay <br />for Grandfather clause?" Problems to keep up with grandfather clauses though. What happens when Govt. turnover <br />of staff? Then things could change again? <br />Steve Petty 340 -All his in Alamance. Change to rental property. <br />Tara Hefferman 348 -Came both days "We are trying to ruin her family." Leave us alone, Children upset. Money Grab. <br />Can't afford higher tax. No one would buy her land. What are the Pros? (Not on issue 10 years from now) <br />Karen Alchacar 327 - 4 Sons. Gadgets. We know where the line is you don't need technology. <br />Steve Mcgilvray 356 -One additional house over. Commissioners not here? Why 90% angle on Line. Why straight <br />line? Whole household in schools. 100% for not moving this line period. <br />Chris Childress 331- Promised public Hearing, whose listening? Facade, waste of time. <br />Charles Laberth 361-Two Title searches. No Benefit. For 17 years. Retired. For new development, fine, use the line. <br />2. THESE PEOPLE SPOKE ABOUT STAYING 1N ALAMANCE -THEY ARE FROM DIFFERENT AREAS OF ALAMANCE COUNTY <br />AND THEY WOULD BE MOVED lF THE NCGS 2849 LINE lS ADOPTED. <br />James Howington 377 -Split Property Trailer Park behind Mill Creek. Surveyed Alamance County Tax Office all in <br />before. Partially split. <br />Sandra Poole 265 - 45 years in Alamance. 77 acres. Upon further review not split through house. If moved her <br />residence would be in Orange. Not sure she understands split. <br />