Orange County NC Website
io <br />line between the two counties. 1996 Orange and Alamance Staff USGS matched Line. 2002 Peter Childres USGS line <br />judicially stated. Feb 28t" 2000 NCGS offered to help counties in a resurvey to the line. Waste of Taxpayer time. "If you <br />want to not follow the law what are we going to abide by? Move me in too if you aren't gonna follow the law." <br />Everett Green -City Councilman Mill Creek. Fixed income. "Suggested a Strong Committee on how it would affect <br />people's lives." Showed up both days. 4 points. Western part of Hebron Church. Incorrect on east side (check <br />description). <br />Ed Hooks -City Councilman -Economics -Mill Creek (They allowed it.) Then some citizens disagreed with him. <br />John Smith (Orange Tax admin) -His Preference - "Is house on the Line or split be tax where you want it to be taxed. " <br />Don't want to split houses. Land can be split. <br />More Comments and Questions from the Crowd <br />• A citizen asked for a show of hands asking who wants to change counties? 4 or 5 raised their hands. Then he <br />asked who wanted it to stay where they were and almost everyone in the room raised their hands. <br />• Many believe this is a Land Grab <br />• "House on the Market. Can't sell." <br />• Many people spoke not at the podium at first... <br />• "Spend money on new Schools." New Yorker. Three boys to move. Stated she might as well go back to New <br />York. <br />Q. Why did Alamance allow County Line to Move West since the 1960's to happen? <br />Q. And if it did does get moved do people have the right to sue Orange for restitution? <br />Q. What is wrong with the line now? <br />