Orange County NC Website
• <br />BE IT FURTHER RE54LVEb that, as the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners is updating its !and Use ?Ian, the County wrill consider the <br />ideas and recommendations included in tne~ November, 2000 Strategic <br />Growth Plan Repot~t and invite comments from the Town for considEration. <br />i3E IT FURTHI=R RESOEVED ;hat, cs the Orange County Board or' <br />Commissioners has inserted the following two paragraphs recommended <br />by the Orange County Planning Board: <br />That we specifically go on record that vde have .not had the <br />opportunity to view the details to where any fines on the <br />illustrative map might finally be situated nor hav? citizens in <br />fihe areas really had an dpportunity to look afi that fully so that <br />we want the record to sho`v that we are not buying into the <br />details of the map afi this pointro be binding on us or <br />anybody else in the future; <br />2. That we understand that in Phasz Tv,-o there would be <br />extensive outreach to people in those communities with <br />• ample opportunities informally and formally to ask questions <br />and find out mare about densities or other factors, about how <br />this might in fact be implemented and direct That the <br />Planning Staff bring back to us specifics on hand this might be <br />done effectively. <br />.~:da~t~~ try s~rar~ge ~rsu~r:f~,~: <br />This the c~D day of~~~~ .2007. <br />Moses Carey, Chair <br />Orange County Board of <br />Donna Baker <br />Clerk to tha ©range County Board of <br />Comrrmissioners <br />0 <br />C~ <br />