Orange County NC Website
7 390 <br />Rural Commercial District <br />That the minimum setback within which no building shall be located <br />shall be 50 feet from the highway right-of-way line. On roads with <br />no right-of-way established, a sixty (60) foot right-of-way will be <br />assumed. <br />General Commercial District <br />That the minimum setback within which no building shall be located <br />shall be 50 feet from the highway right-of-way line. On roads with <br />no right-of-way established, a sixty (60) foot right-of-way will be <br />assumed. <br />Prime Commercial District <br />That the minimum setback within which no building shall be located <br />shall be 50 feet from the highway right-of-way line. On roads with <br />no right-of-way established, a sixty (60) foot right of way will be <br />assumed. <br />General Industrial District <br />That the minimum setback within which no building shall be located <br />shall be 50 feet from the highway right-of-way line. On roads with <br />no right-of-way established, a sixty (60) foot right-of-way will be <br />assumed. <br />Discussion ensued relative to the proposed amendments. Mr. Long informed <br />the Board that the County Planning Board did recommend the adoption of the said <br />proposed amendments. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Ward, it was moved <br />and unanimously adopted, that the recommendations of the County Planning Board be <br />enacted.. <br />Tom Ward, Welfare Director, was present to discuss the supplemental food <br />program which had been brought up at a previous meeting of the Board. Mr. Ward <br />stated that the food would be distributed on a prescription basis with the <br />Health Department being responsible for the designation of which individuals <br />would receive the food. He stated further that the food could be stored in the <br />basement of the new Welfare Building. The Board reo_uested that Mr. Ward, Dr. <br />Garvin and the County Administrator investigate the program which had been <br />established in Guilford County and that they were to make a report back to the - <br />Board of Commissioners. <br />Mrs. Gloria M. Williams requested that the Board of Commissioners inouire <br />of the State Highway Commission as to what might be done in order that South <br />Piney Mountain Road could be paved. Discussion ensued and Vice Chairman Walker <br />inquired as to whether or not the residents of this area would be willing to <br />participate in a paving program, on a pro-rata basis, if the Board of Commissioners <br />could get the State Highway Department to pave said road. Commissioner Ward <br />suggested that the Board of Commissioners could urge Mr. Harrington to deviate <br />from the previous policy of not accepting dead end roads and add this road to the <br />highway system. The clerk was instructed to write Mr. Harrington and make such a <br />recuest and further request a meeting with the members of the Highway Commission <br />sometime in the near future. <br />Vice Chairman Walker read a letter from the Mebane Planning Board relative to <br />the resignation of J. Willard Oakley. <br />The County Administrator informed the Board that the Town of Mebane would <br />recommend either of the following persons to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Oakley. <br />They are: Lonnie Evans, John Albright, Ralph Moore, Donald Dodson and Franklin <br />Childers. No action was taken on this matter. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ward, seconded by Commissioner Ray, it was moved <br />and unanimously adopted, that Wayne Lacock be appointed as a member of the Carrboro <br />Board of Adjustments for a three year term effective as of April 19, 1969. <br />The Board reviewed the Legislative Bulletin from John T. Morrissey, Sr., <br />General Counsel, North Carolina Commissioners Association. The following <br />bills were discussed: <br />Senate Bill 273, would gradually repeal the Intangibles Tax, by reducing <br />the rates each year until zero in January 1, 1974. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ward, seconded by Commissioner Bennett, it was <br />moved and unanimously adopted, that the Orange County Board of Commissioners go <br />on record as opposing Senate Bill 273.