Orange County NC Website
EI~TT F <br />RENEWAL OPTION <br />Landlord grants to Tenant the right and option to extend this Lease for Four 4 additional <br />period(s) of five 5 year(s) each (hereinafter called "renewal period") on the terms and <br />conditions as set forth in this Lease agreement for such Renewal Period. The option shall be <br />exercised by Tenant upon Tenant giving written notice to Landlord pursuant to section 41(b) <br />and sent at least ninety (90) days before the expiration of the term then in effect, of Tenant's <br />desire to renew said Lease and upon such notice, the Renewal Period shall become part of <br />the Term. <br />43 <br />Connty of Orange, in Nortb Carolina -Hillsborough Commons 07/02/08 <br />INITTALS <br />~,~~~ ~ . <br />