2008-087 Purchasing - Hillsborough Commons - Mayo Street Lease agreement
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2008-087 Purchasing - Hillsborough Commons - Mayo Street Lease agreement
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/19/2019 11:37:12 AM
Creation date
10/6/2008 10:47:12 AM
Contract Starting Date
Contract Ending Date
Contract Document Type
Agenda Item
7/25/08; 4t
Document Relationships
2015-109-E AMS - Tricor Hillsborough Commons LLLP - Lease modification
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2015
2015-612 AMS - Hillsborough Commons, LLLP Lease modification
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2015
Agenda - 06-03-2008-4t
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2008\Agenda - 06-03-2008
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will not generate, store, bury, discharge or release on or from the Demised <br />Premises any hazardous substances or waste in a manner which would give rise <br />to penalty or liability under the Resources Conservation Recovery Act 42 U.S.C. <br />6901 et seq., or any other federal, state or local law. Landlord further <br />represents and warrants that it knows of no legal reason that County would be <br />prevented from engaging in the Permitted Use within the Demised Premises. <br />19. COMMON AREA <br />(a) Common Areas. Landlord grants to County and County's clients and <br />invitees the non-exclusive right to use the areas designated by Landlord from <br />time to time as Common Areas. The term "Common Areas" shall mean the <br />parking areas, roadways, pedestrian sidewalks, delivery areas, exterior surfaces <br />of Shopping Center buildings, landscaped areas, service courts, open and <br />enclosed courts and malls, fire corridors, meeting areas and public restraoms, <br />not located within any tenant's space, and all other areas or improvements. <br />which may be provided by Landlord for the common use of the tenants of the <br />Shopping .Center. Landlord does not represent or warrant that the Common <br />Areas will be free from interruption of service or use for reasons beyond <br />Landlord's reasonable control. In no event shall Landlord be liable for <br />compensatory, incidental or consequential damages by reason of such <br />interruption. Landlord hereby reserves the following rights with respect to the <br />Common Areas: <br />(1) To establish reasonable rules and regulations for the use thereof (there <br />are none as of the date hereof); <br />(2) To use or permit the use by others to whom Landlord may have granted <br />such rights for promotional activities, provided said activities do not conflict <br />with or negatively impact the Intended Use; <br />(3) To close all or any portion thereof as may be deemed necessary by <br />Landlord to prevent a dedication thereof or the accrual of any rights to any <br />person or the public herein; <br />(4) DELETED; <br />(5) To erect and install signs, kiosks, landscaping (including planters), <br />fountains, sculptures, free standing buildings and other structures, additional <br />stories to existing buildings or otherwise that do not reduce parking area <br />below 450 or negatively impact the public's accessibility of the Demised <br />Premises; and <br />(6) To operate, manage, equip, light, repair and maintain said Common <br />Areas for their intended purposes in such manner as Landlord shall in its sole <br />discretion from time to time determine. <br />(b) Any damage which may be done to the Common Area or facilities of <br />Landlord by the County, or by any person is engaged in business on behalf of <br />the County, including its employees, agents, concessionaires or sub-lessees or <br />anyone in its employ, excluding ordinary wear and tear, shall be repaired at the <br />sole cost and expense of County. <br />20. NOT USED <br />21. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. <br />(a) Repairs b~ Landlord. Landlord shall keep the foundations, roof, and <br />structural portions of the outer walls of the Demised Premises in good repair, <br />13 <br />County of Orange, in North Carolina - Hillsborongh Commons 07/02/08 <br />INITIALS <br />RD <br />
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