Orange County NC Website
EXHIBIT A <br />Property Description <br />All of these certain lots or parcel of land situated, lying and being on the east side of Carr <br />Street in the Town of Carrboro, North Carolina, beginning at a stake I the east property <br />line of Carr Street, the northwest corner of Lot No. 3 in Block "A" of the original Herbert <br />Lloyd Field Development; running thence along the east property line of Carr Street <br />North 3° 15' West 46 feet to a stake; running thence South 86' 45' West 170 feet to the <br />beginning, being Lots Nos. 3 and 4 in Block "A" of the subdivision. of a part of the <br />Herbert Lloyd Field Property as surveyed in J. Ralph Weaver, Registered Surveyor, <br />November 5, 1942, and being Lot No. 4 in Block "A" of the original Herbert Lloyd <br />Property, and being the same land conveyed to M.J. Dawson by Deed of C. R. Lindsay <br />and wife, dated February 27, 1951 and recorded at the Office of Register of Deeds of <br />Orange County in Book 136 at Page 360. <br />PIN: 9778-96-9609 <br />TBML: 7.93.H.12 <br />All that tract or parcel of land identified as Tract 2 on the Plat of the Recombination of <br />the Property of the Town of Carrboro, recorded in the Orange County Registry on <br />January 8, 2008 at Plat Book 103, at Page 41, consisting of approximately .173 acres. <br />PIN: 9778-95-5311 <br />TBML: 7.92.x.19 <br />