Orange County NC Website
D. Plan Methodology <br />-~' 'The plan analyzes Orange County's utilization of minorities and women in its work <br />force as of November 1, 1998. The plan then compares the County's utilization of <br />minorities and women in its work force to the availability of minorities and women in <br />the recruitment area labor force based on 1990 census data. <br />The comparison of Orange County's utilization of minorities and women in the work <br />force in relation to the availability of minorities and women in the recruitment area <br />labor force was used to identify areas of underutilization. Turnover and recruitment <br />experience then was considered in developing tentative affirmative action placement <br />goals. Affected Orange County department heads reviewed these tentative goals and <br />gave feedback on projected openings. This feedback is reflected in the final <br />affirmative action placement goals and timetables. <br />II. Policy Statements <br />A. Equal Employment Opportunity Policyl <br />The policy of Orange County is to foster, maintain and promote equal employment <br />opportunity. The County prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, <br />color, national origin, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, political <br />affiliation and Vietnam-Era or disabled veteran status, as provided in law. <br />The County's non-discrimination policy extends to recruitment, selection, hiring, <br />compensation, promotion, training and all other aspects of employment. <br />The County selects employees on the basis ofjob-related qualifications and without <br />regard to race, color, national origin, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, <br />disability, political affiliation and Vietnam-Era or disabled veteran status, as provided <br />in law. <br />The County prohibits retaliatory action against any employee or applicant for <br />employment who makes a charge of employment discrimination, testifies, assists or <br />participates in any manner at a hearing, proceeding, or investigation of employment <br />discrimination. <br />1From the Orange County Personnel Ordinance, Article II, as amended October 1, 1991. <br />-2- <br />