Orange County NC Website
Memo <br />To: John Link, County Manager <br />From: Gene Bell, Planner III ~~ <br />Date: November 15,1999 <br />Subj: Suggested Recommendations for BOCC Consideration - I-40 Widening <br />Agenda item 9-b for the November 16 County Commissioners' meeting asks the Board to consider a <br />position statement for presentation at the I-40 Widening Workshop being held by NCDOT on <br />November 17. Traffic volumes are estimated to increase considerably by 2020 (figures are cited in the <br />agenda abstract). Obvious impacts resulting from increased traffic include noise, congestion, and air <br />quality. Construction of the new lanes will also introduce additional impacts. <br />• NCDOT has performed a preliminary assessment of noise impacts at certain locations in Orange <br />County.. Amore thorough and far-reaching analysis of such impacts and provision of sound <br />barriers in the affected areas is needed. <br />• Traffic signals are needed at the I-40/Old NC 86 interchange. This is the primary Economic <br />Development District in the County. An intersection expansion to include additional right and left <br />turn lanes will be required to access I-40. Low glare street/intersection lights should also be added. <br />Park-and-ride lots are needed in this area as well. While not adjacent to an urban area, the New <br />Hope Church Road interchange should be analyzed for the provision of signals as traffic volumes <br />on I-40 increase. <br />• Increased traffic will result in additional exhaust emissions and have direct impacts on air quality in <br />southeastern .Orange County. These impacts should receive serious consideration including <br />coordination with the Orange County Commission for the Environment. <br />• Construction impacts including erosion and dust have implications for both water and air quality <br />and must be addressed early on; likewise, a plan to manage traffic during construction is required. <br />• Finally, as a means of addressing increased traffic volumes, and consistent with the County's <br />previous statements concerning I-40 widening, HOV lanes are needed. <br />Attached are additional materials received from NCDOT after the deadline for the November 16 <br />agenda. These include a handout for distribution at the workshop and a preliminary assessment of <br />noise at select~i locations. <br />cc: Craig Benedict, Planning Director <br />Karen Lincoln, Transportation Planner <br />h:\bocc~40addtl.doc\11-15-99\g b <br />