Orange County NC Website
<br />8. Hold public hearing and adopt bond order <br />9. Publish bond order as adopted <br />10. LGC sends request for OS information <br />to County <br />11. County responds to LGC request for <br />OS information <br />12. LGC produces draft OS from County <br />information <br />13. LGC. working group meeting to discuss bond <br />terms and draft OS ("due diligence" meeting) <br />I4. County Board adopts resolutions {1) <br />approving amount of bonds and maturity <br />structure and (2) approving form of OS <br />and terms for continuing disclosure <br />15. County and LGC put OS in final form <br />16. LGC mails OS <br />17. LGC bond sale <br />18. Closing <br />8 <br />At first January BOCC meeting, or <br />in any event first BOCC meeting <br />after Event 5 for which (here is <br />sufficient time to publish the notice <br />in Event 7 (with '96 referendum <br />bonds, we separated hearing date <br />from date of Snal action, but m$ny <br />units take final action immediately <br />after the hearing, especially for <br />non-voted bonds) <br />As soon as possible after Event 8; <br />no closings allowed unti130 days <br />have passed from this publication <br />[One to two weeks] <br />[One to two weeks] <br />[Two weeks] [This brings us to about <br />mid-February) <br />By 2/15 [prior to Event 14] <br />[First March BOCC meeting] <br />[prior to Event 15) <br />Approx. 3/10 <br />Approx. 3/16 <br />4/4 <br />4/18 <br />