Agenda - 11-22-1999 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-22-1999
Agenda - 11-22-1999 - 1
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Last modified
9/23/2008 11:29:45 AM
Creation date
9/23/2008 11:29:42 AM
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Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19991122
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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4 <br />The proposed survey would comply with pertinent state laws and regulations, including the North <br />Carolina Office of State Archaeology's Guidelines for Preparing Archaeological Survey Reports <br />and Archaeological Curation StandarrJs and Guidelines. <br />Estimated Cost = $8,000-$10,000 <br />Biological Resources Survey <br />This survey would encompass two primary purposes. The first purpose would be to identify any <br />endangered or threatened species or habitat. We wish to assure that any planned or potential <br />future development of the site will not jeopardize the continued existence of endangered or <br />threatened species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of a critical habitat. <br />The contractor would be required to conducfi literature and background research, records and <br />inventories review, and field investigations of sufficient intensity to locate and assess the presence <br />any threatened, endangered or rare species or high quality natural communities within the project <br />area. A report would be submitted following the conclusion survey that would detail the results of <br />the background research, records and inventories review, and fieldwork. <br />The second purpose of this survey would be to conduct wetlands delineation and floodplain <br />survey. This survey would seek to identify and map jurisdictional wetlands and stream channels <br />on the 169 acre site and to submit the delineation to the Army Corp of Engineers for approval. <br />We would attempt to identify and protect wetland areas containing "significant aquatic function". <br />We would also seek to iden#ify areas subject to flooding. <br />A report would be submitted following the conclusion of survey detailing the results of the work, <br />including wetland/floodplain mapping. <br />Estimated Cost = $15,000-$18,000 <br />Schedule <br />If the BOCC directs staff to proceed with the above surveys, we would immediately begin to <br />prepare a scope of work for each survey and seek. proposals .from qualified consultants and <br />consulting firms. Ability to complete the proposed surveys in a timely fashion and at the earliest <br />possible date would be a consideration for the award. We would hope to complete the scope of <br />work for the two surveys and submit to the consultants by December 6. We would request that <br />proposals~be received, evaluated, and consultants given authorization to proceed by December <br />17. <br />It is unlikely that the surveys would be complete and reports finalized before early February, given <br />weather considerations and the anticipated scope of work for the two investigations. We would <br />tentatively propose to discuss the reports and their conclusions at the February 14 regular BOCC <br />meeting (or as soon as the work is complete). <br />It would also be possible to unlink the surveys from the Interlocal Agreement and the 60 acre <br />issue. The surveys could be conducted at a later date, but prior to initiating any solid waste <br />activities on the 60 acre portion and the final resolution on the future of the remaining 109 acres. <br />
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